Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (2024)

It’s time to march to the beat of your drum. Here’s how Aquarius season 2024 will affect each zodiac sign as we learn to love our quirks and eccentricities. Stepping into your authenticity isn’t easy, but you may feel more confident in your individuality during Aquarius season.

A desire to break free will become more pronounced when the sun enters Aquarius on January 20, 2024, at 9:07 a.m. ET. Now that the sun is answering to Aquarius’ co-rulers, Saturn and Uranus, there might be an overwhelming feeling to be yourself. However, there could be an underlying sense of restriction. Despite the initial restiveness, Aquarius season may teach us that it’s our responsibility to be authentic.

Later that same day, Pluto will enter Aquarius at 7:50 p.m. ET. The beginning of this transit might have a similar vibe to last year when Pluto was in Aquarius from the end of March to June 2023. In astrology, Pluto governs death, power, and transformation. So, this Plutonic transit might encourage you to transform your Aquarian values of community, individuality, and nonconformity. A widespread social acceptance and call to focus on humanitarian efforts may arise from Pluto in Aquarius.

Accepting less than what you deserve simply won’t do when Venus enters Capricorn on January 23. Your standards will be higher than usual for professional prospects, financial possibilities, or romantic commitments. Frivolous spending could be cut down during this transit since Venus in Capricorn will be intentional about long-term opportunities.

A six-month cycle will conclude during the full moon in Leo on January 25, which will occur at 5 degrees. The only question you should ask yourself during this lunation is, “Am I having fun?” If you feel confident and fulfilled, you have nothing to worry about. But if you feel depressed and unsure, then the lunation will encourage you to let go of anything that dims your light.

Exercise cautious optimism when the sun in Aquarius tensely squares Jupiter in Taurus on January 27. The square might cause some friction since you may feel confident yet still somewhat unsure about your next steps. If you want to be lucky, then you may need to watch it with over-exaggerating and a bravado attitude.

Later that same day, a sudden change may occur when Uranus stations direct in Taurus. Once direct, Uranus in Taurus will likely result in an external plot twist, especially if you have been waiting for something new to happen throughout Uranus retrograde. Be ready for anything to happen since several unexpected decisions and opportunities could come up.

What could you do? You may feel like you’re caught between a rock and a hard place when Mars in Capricorn squares the South Node in Libra and the North Node in Aries on January 28. The Nodal squares may have a “damned if I do, damned if I don’t” vibe. Since you will be at a crossroads, you should decide to take a risk. It might be uncomfortable, but you may benefit from trying something new.

Align yourself with commitments that will stand the test of time. Get serious about what you want to focus on when Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces and trines Jupiter in Taurus on January 28. Both transits will have a positive energy that will amplify your confidence. As a result, this could help you feel self-assured about a romantic or professional prospect.

You might have to pivot more than once when Mars in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus on January 29. Unexpected obstacles and redirections may occur. You might not even be annoyed to adjust your course of action since the cosmic energy imbues a sense of harmony.

An imaginative conversation may take place when Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on February 2. Since everyone will feel more compassionate, so it might be easier to talk about your hopes, wishes, and dreams. Being vulnerable about your aspirations could even bring you closer to someone else!

The sun enters Aquarius on January 20 at 9:07 a.m. ET and leaves it behind on February 18 at 11:13 p.m. ET.

Intense conversations and dire thoughts will pop up when Mercury enters Aquarius and conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius on February 5. The start of this Mercurial transit will be profound. You might have unusual thoughts about yourself and your life that could transform your outlook. Unlikely insight could also challenge you to view your circ*mstances in a different light.

By the following day, you may feel like your risk has paid off since the sun in Aquarius will sextile the North Node and trine the South Node on February 6. The Nodal aspects are more harmonious, so you may feel more confident about your destiny. A fateful exchange or serendipitous omen might even confirm that you made the right choice.

What do you dream of doing? Visualize what your decisions and actions may lead to when Mars in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on February 7. By using your imagination, you can likely fine-tune and adjust your plans to achieve your desired goal.

You may not feel like yourself since the sun in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on February 8. Friction will arise, so this could cause you to feel at odds with yourself. Since you might feel out-of-sorts, you should refrain from making impulsive decisions about your appearance, like cutting off all of your hair. This feeling will eventually pass!

Set your intentions to find a community that accepts you during the new moon in Aquarius on February 9, which will occur at 20 degrees. The new moon will begin a six-month cycle full of potential. You could use this period to meet new individuals who are part of a community you feel strongly about. It could also be a fantastic time to work on self-acceptance and self-love.

You might be impartial to a different way of handling things when Mars enters Aquarius on February 13. Instead of sticking to something tried and true, Mars in Aquarius will urge you to be more innovative. When you utilize your unconventionality, you might have more passion and stamina. However, you may want to take it easy instead of doing it all at once since Mars will conjunct Pluto in Aquarius the following day.

Unique outlooks on partnership, money, and aesthetics will arise when Venus enters Aquarius on February 16. Instead of trying something traditional, Venus in Aquarius will motivate you to be more non-conforming. You might be open to dating someone who isn’t your type and investing in more progressive financial opportunities. Your style might become more individualized as well! However, steer clear from making extreme choices with your love life, possessions, or finances right away since Venus will conjunct Pluto in Aquarius the next day.

The intensity of Aquarius season will die down when the sun enters Pisces on February 18 at 11:13 p.m., ET. Although this Aquarius season was perfect for reflecting on friendships and individuality, you might be ready for the magic and mysticism that Pisces season will bring.

How Aquarius Season 2024 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Here’s what you can expect from Aquarius season, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

  • Aries

    Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (5)

    Who are your real friends, Aries? Your eleventh house of friendship and community will be in focus when the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on January 20. The intensity of Aquarius season will encourage you to reflect on your connections. A test of friendship may come during the full moon in Leo on January 25. The full moon will illuminate who the real ones are in your life, especially if you reach an important milestone. You can embrace the detached Aquarian energy if you want to disconnect from inauthentic friends.

    Luckily, a new cycle of friendship will begin during the new moon in Aquarius on February 9. Think about the qualities your ideal friend or community embodies during this lunation. Take your time to consider what you truly need since you could manifest your new friend group over the next six months. Meanwhile, there might be a strong desire to reconnect and make plans when Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Aquarius meet up with Pluto in Aquarius around the end of Aquarius season. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Taurus

    Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (6)

    How do you want to be remembered, Taurus? Your inner rebel will pop when the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on January 20. As Aquarius season begins, there will be an intense desire to reform your tenth house of reputation, accomplishment, and legacy. You may crave something new and exciting, especially if you want to make a splash. If you’re ready to exit your comfort zone, do so during the full moon in Leo on January 25. After the full moon, you may feel ready to take on anything.

    Deep conversations about the kind of life you want to live and what you want to be known for may pop up the following week when Mercury in Aquarius joins Pluto in Aquarius. While this conversation may feel unlike you, it could encourage you to act on your ideas. But if it feels too risky to act now, you could set the intention to make waves during the new moon in Aquarius on February 9. Be prepared to go on a wild ride for the next six months! Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Gemini

    Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (7)

    Take the road less traveled, Gemini. New pathways will unfold when the sun and Pluto enter your ninth house of spirituality and adventure on January 20. Aquarius season will encourage you to open your mind to diverse cultures, unique learning opportunities, and unexpected adventures. You might be more than ready to try something different by the full moon in Leo on January 25. However, you may have to confront your fear of pursuing something radically different from your past ventures.

    If you still have questions about a plausible undertaking, then you could find the answers you need when Mercury conjuncts Pluto on February 5. There might be intense communication and research that could help you have a well-rounded idea about what you could possibly get into. You may even feel pressured to decide on what you want to experience or where you want to travel. Luckily, there will be plenty of time to mull over your options following the new moon in Aquarius. Have the experience of a lifetime during this lunar cycle! Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Cancer

    Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (8)

    Aquarius season will encourage you to detach debts and entanglements, Cancer. Once the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on January 20, you may feel a deep desire to purge. You could do away with financial constraints, like actively working toward your debt and canceling unsustainable financial outlets. The Aquarius energy could also motivate you to detach from individuals who take away your sense of power and control. Insight on what you truly value may come during the full moon in Leo on January 25.

    Over the next few weeks, you may feel the need to have a private conversation with someone you trust. You could speak to a financial advisor about your options to improve your financial stability. A loved one could offer much-needed guidance if you want a second opinion on a personal situation. No matter what, you should set the intention to transform your life during the new moon in Aquarius in February. 9. The next six months could help you regain your power. Read your full monthly horoscope here.Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Leo

    Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (9)

    Give the underdog a chance, Leo! Be it work or love, you may feel drawn to an unlikely commitment after the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on February 20. You might be more open-minded to trying something new since Aquarius season will prioritize your seventh house of relationships, contracts, and arrangements. Part of your desire for a fresh start may stem from letting go of past partnerships and arrangements. Don’t focus on anyone who doesn’t make you feel good about yourself!

    Since you’re amidst a monumental redirection, it might be worthwhile to talk about it when Mercury in Aquarius conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius. Making massive changes in your relationships is never easy. By reflecting on what you want, you can fine-tune your relationship manifestations by the new moon in Aquarius on February 9. You may realize that you need to be surrounded by genuine individuals who accept your flaws and quirks. If you are open to connections of all kinds, you might be surprised by who is in your life in six months. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Virgo

    Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (10)

    What works best for you, Virgo? As the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on January 20, you may have an overwhelming desire to reconstruct your sixth house of work, health, and habits. What you do on a daily basis will become more pronounced. So, it might be challenging to ignore certain habits that delay your productivity and cause issues in your workplace. Since Venus will also enter Capricorn, you may desire to prioritize more exciting outlets, like your hobbies and love life.

    There will be intense discussions about your future plans for your work life and health when Mercury joins Pluto on February 5. Although these conversations could be stressful, they might give you food for thought about what you want to manifest during the new moon in Aquarius on February 9. Shortly after the new moon, you may have to make transformative decisions that could drastically alter your current routine. By the end of Aquarius season, you could have a radically different schedule with new habits and goals to implement in your life. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Libra

    Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (11)

    Find your joy, Libra! It’s time to accept that you have unique interests when the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on January 20. This cosmic energy will activate your fifth house of self-expression, hobbies, and passion. Part of this could be accepting that you enjoy doing certain activities. If you want to be surrounded by individuals who love the same things that you do, then make it a point to find your like-minded community during the full moon in Leo on February 29.

    You may have to prepare for an unexpected twist with your finances after Uranus stations direct in Aquarius at the end of January. If your financial status is unstable, then you might experience some fiscal challenges when unexpected problems pop up. Thankfully, you will have an exciting outlet or two that can help you decompress. Don’t be afraid to throw yourself into your hobbies by the new moon in Aquarius on February 9. Make time for your passions and creative ventures throughout the next six months!Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Scorpio

    Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (12)

    Massive changes to your personal life will come during this Aquarius season. You are no stranger to transformation, but you may still feel the intensity when the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on January 20. The cosmic energy will amplify a desire for more in your fourth house of home and family. You may realize Aquarius season is the perfect time to reconsider what you want for a home life, and who you want to share your life with. After all, your home and family should be an authentic reflection of who you are.

    Once Uranus stations direct in Taurus at the end of January, you may experience unexpected adjustments in your commitments and relationships. You could decide to discontinue renewing your lease or choose to live with new individuals. But changes in your home life won’t be the only thing since familial relationships and your plans to have a family could take a turn. You may have to talk through these drastic developments since you might be in an entirely new position by the end of Aquarius season. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Sagittarius

    Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (13)

    What will spark your interest, Sagittarius? You might become more open-minded after the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on January 20. There will be an intense focus on your immediate community, conversation, and subjects of interest. At the beginning of Aquarius season, you may have to overcome any inhibitions that might hold you back. If you want to explore and grow in your surroundings, then you have to honor what holds your attention. Entertain interactions and topics that are exciting to you.

    A new interest could sweep you off your feet by the time Mercury in Aquarius conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius on February 5. The powerful conjunction will suck you in, so you might become a little obsessed with your new third place or a fascinating subject. If you want to make this part of your daily routine, set the intention to do so under the new moon in Aquarius. The next six months could be social and communicative! You might learn quite a bit about your neighborhood, and all your community has to offer. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Capricorn

    Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (14)

    Aquarius season could bring in unusual financial opportunities, Capricorn. Usually, you go for financial opportunities that could be considered more traditional and conservative. But there might be overwhelming signs to get out of your comfort zone when the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on January 20. As Aquarius season unfolds, this cosmic energy will capitalize on your second house of money, security, and value system. Luckily, you might be in the right financial position to try something different by the full moon in Leo.

    Following the confident lunation, you could feel more financially free to explore your options. Around the beginning of February, you may want to consider setting the intention to open up your finances to new possibilities during the new moon in Aquarius. There might even be an immediate offer on the table for you to consider since Venus and Mars will join Pluto. Just go into the opportunity with an open mind and get as much information as possible since it could be lucrative. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Aquarius

    Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (15)

    Step into the spotlight, Aquarius! Once the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on January 20, you may feel like it is now or never to show up. Your zodiacal season will empathize with the importance of refining your first house of identity and appearance. If you want to feel good and look great, then Aquarius season is the perfect time for your glow-up. You might even be ready to detach from any unfulfilling relationships by the full moon in Leo on January 25.

    Another aspect of changing yourself may also begin with your home life since Uranus will station direct in Taurus at the end of January. Spontaneous inner work could start if you’re ready to confront your childhood. You could also use direct Uranus to change your lifestyle if you want to have a different work-life balance. Since so much could be changed so suddenly, you may feel like you need to redo your look. By the end of Aquarius season, you may look and feel completely different! Read your full monthly horoscope here.

  • Pisces

    Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (16)

    Are you ready to dive in deeper than ever before this Aquarius season? Your twelfth house of the subconscious will be illuminated after the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on January 20. Since the cosmic energy will be intense, you may feel called to spend time alone. Although you may become more introverted, this could provide you the time to do some much-needed soul searching. You might see a notable difference in your mental health and stamina by the full moon in Leo on January 25.

    Given that Aquarius season will be highly reflective, you may feel suddenly inspired to write and talk about your musings when Uranus stations direct in Taurus at the end of January. Even if you’re not usually so communicative, don’t let that stop you from sharing your insights. However, be mindful about who is privy to your thoughts and feelings. Make sure that you pick the right individuals to open up to when Venus in Aquarius conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius. If it’s the right person, then you could build a deep relationship with them by the end of Aquarius season. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

Aquarius Season Will Transform Every Zodiac Sign For the Better, Thanks to Pluto (2024)


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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.