Crown Best Builds, Teams, and How to Play | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2024)

Table of Contents

    • Basic Information
    • Skills
    • Skill 1: One for All
    • Skill 2: Royal Attire
      • Hp Potency | Recovery
    • Burst – Last Kingdom
    • Campaign
      • Crown/Naga Team (Liter BI Variant)
      • Crown/Naga Team (Solo Red Hood Burst I)
      • Generalist Team, Instant Reload
      • Boss Ignorer Team (Harder to Play)
    • Arena
    • Special Interception | Solo Raid | Union Raid
      • Special Interception
      • Crown/Naga team
      • Speed Run Team (Late/End game)
      • Solo Raid/Union Raid
      • No.
      • Hyper Anis: Sparkling Summer Team
      • Infinite Reload Team (Dorothy)
    • Strengths
    • Weaknesses
    • You Will Pull.
    • Recommended Harmony Cube
    • Temporary Rating
    • Skill Priority
  • Overload Gear Priority
Crown Best Builds, Teams, and How to Play | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (1)

Basic Information

  • Skill 1: One for All
  • Skill 2: Royal Attire
  • Burst: Last Kingdom
  • Cooldown: 20s
  • Rarity: SSR
  • Burst: II
  • Weapon: MG
  • Class: Defender
  • Element: Iron
  • Manufacturer: Pilgrim
  • Squad: White Knight
  • Weapon Name: Your Majesty


Crown Best Builds, Teams, and How to Play | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2)

Skill 1: One for All

Activates at the start of Full Burst. Affects all allies who previously cast their Burst Skills.
ATK ▲ 64.51% of caster’s ATK for 15 sec.
Reloading Speed ▲ 44.35% for 15 sec
Affects all allies who did not previously cast their Burst Skills.
DEF ▲ 37.44% of caster’s DEF for 15 sec.
Reloading Speed ▲ 44.35% for I5 sec.

Great skill, especially for beginners. Not only does it massively buff ATK, she is one of the very few Nikkes that buffs reload speed. Crown buffs on Burst III’s have around 60% uptime due to alternating Bursts, assuming cool down Nikkes are used.

Since Def attack is only 0.66x of an attacker on equal investment dupes, realistically this buff would be around 42% of equal investment compared to other Attacker Nikke’s.

This skill allows better team building, and early game instant reload teams. Reload speed above 100% allows for instant reloads when paired with Privaty, which can benefit reload reliant Nikkes such as Scarlet, Modernia, Alice, Guillotine and etc, especially for early game for commanders with no end game gear (Extra max ammo capacity)

The Commander can reload “early” for an even higher uptime right before burst expires, simply by switching between Nikkes. It also simply skips “wind-up” time for MGs, which is usually a huge downside when running MG’s.

Def is pretty useless but, it is high enough where it might provide a whooping (3%~) damage reduction for the team, which slightly varies depending on content being tackled.

Skill 2: Royal Attire

Activates after 43 normal attack(s).Affects self.
Relax: HP Potency ▲ 4.06% continuously. stacks up to 20 time(s).
Activates when Relax is fully stacked. Affects self after the stacks are removed.
Invulnerable for 5 sec.
Attract: Taunt all enemies for 5 sec.
Recovers 5.23% of the caster’s final Max HP as HP
Activates when recovery takes effect Affects all allies.
Attack Damage ▲ 20.99% for 7 sec.

MG’s fire at a rate of 60 per second if the Commander is playing at 60fps, as FPS is tied to most weapons firing rate.

At ideal conditions, her S2 will proc every 14s, and will have around 1/3rd uptime. Her taunt will realistically last slightly longer due to taunted Raptures still “aiming” at Crown. These stacks do NOT expire, and does not need to hit a target for stacks to accumulate

Hp Potency | Recovery

Her HP Potency will max out at 81.2% (Increases healing Received), which will also directly improve her self healing. Crown will heal herself for 9.4%~ every 14s~, which isn’t the greatest healing, but her skill also improves incoming healing from other Nikkes as well, not to mention that she has invulnerability on herself for around 1/3’rd uptime, which might be able to allow her to self sustain in some boss fights.

Her recovery effect is somewhat badly translated, as in game, there is a prompt that says:

This skill will not be triggered by HP restoration
effects gained from group healing.

Crown Best Builds, Teams, and How to Play | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (3)

However, this is “false”. As group healers such as Mary, Pepper, Helm, etc etc still proc the effect. Although there is a healer that is exempt to this due to how her kit works, and that is Rem. Crown needs to be healed specifically for her skill to proc. If Crown is not healed and other Nikkes get healed, her skill 2 ATK damage up will not be activated.

Optimal Crown Placement at Max HP% (IMPORTANT)

When All Nikkes are at Max HP%. Healers will always target the left most Nikkes. Since Crown wants to be healed at all times for her skill 2 to proc, it is imperative to put Crown at the most LEFT SIDE of squad formation.

Crown Best Builds, Teams, and How to Play | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (4)

This would allow for more consistent skill 2 uptime, especially when using Crown for Campaign purposes (Nikkes barely get hit or player would restart). For a more visual example refer to videos below

Visual Reference for Pepper vs Rem Skill Proc

Pepper proccing via burst (Team Heal) Vs Rem not proccing because of her “shared” healing. Realistically this doesn’t affect any team comps because pairing rem and crown in the same team is a pretty bad idea. However, this “downside” may appear more apparent in the future

Burst – Last Kingdom

Simple. But extremely powerful burst. Basically a permanent attack damage buff as Crown has a unique 15s buff as opposed of 5s or 10s.

Crown’s shields may be rather “small” but any shield is enough to protect a Nikke from fatal damage once. Her Shield works similarly to Tia, and will proc skills that Tia also procs (Naga)

Her shields can block one instance of a nuke, as long as it only “ticks” once. A great use case is against Chatterbox, Storm Bringer AoE attacks, or Kamakaze Raptures from campaign.

ATK UP vs ATK damage up

Although worded similarly, these damage modifiers are different. They belong to different damage multipliers, and will multiply upon each other, instead of “stacking”. For more details, Damage formula is found here

For simplicity sake. It is ATK Up x ATK damage up x other modifiers (which is good)
Instead of ATK UP + ATK damage up (Which is basically stacking more ATK up, “bad”)


Crown is basically the new “king” of Campaign. Crown completely replaces Tia, as they basically fill the same role. However, Crown is much more “independent”, does not need another Nikke to function, and simply buffs better than her.

Crown can proc Naga’s skill 2 passive, which is an amazing buff for the meta sniper Nikkes and Modernia. Not only that, she has 5s invulnerability taunt, which can be heavily utilized in boss waves. Although she may proc taunt in unwanted times, DPS should be more than plenty to take care of waves that might attack her prior to target wave. it also helps that crown can still stack her skill two by shooting into AIR, which would make proc’ing her invulnerability and skill 2 damage up much easier prior to boss wave

Crowns Buffs + Utility Making 390k vs 630k CP look like an actual cake walk (it is). More showcases will be shown when possible. Her skill 2 is much more capable than what is shown in the video.

Crown/Naga Team (Liter BI Variant)

Crown,Liter,Naga,Red Hood,Modernia

Expected to be the general meta team for crown. Insane damage and versatility. Modernia can be replaced with Alice

Crowns Burst will always be a priority to use over Naga, as Naga’s most wanted buffs are tied to her skill 1 and 2 passives. Make sure Crown is at the left most Slot.

  • Rapunzel Can substitute Naga. much less effective than Naga, but can proc Crown’s skill 2 very consistently. A third DPS would be greatly preferred for more utility/DPS still if Naga is unavailable

Crown/Naga Team (Solo Red Hood Burst I)

Red hood,Crown,Modernia,Naga,Attacker

Veterans and leaderboard clearers are expected to use this team in campaign. Despite being a solo burst I, thanks to Red hoods refresh on CD, 3 full burst rotations should be rather possible and smooth using this team.

for more details, check this section for Red hood for better understanding of this play style

  • Rapunzel Can substitute Naga. much less effective than Naga, but can proc Crown’s skill 2 very consistently. A third DPS would be greatly preferred for more utility/DPS still if Naga is unavailable

Generalist Team, Instant Reload


A more traditional 1-1-3 team burst formation. This enables instant reloads for Modernia and Scarlet when using the resilience cube on them. Crown can still take advantage of her recovery effect by abusing shooting into air to get stacks prior to final rapture wave.

Liter can be substituted for Red hood for burst generation and bigger attack buff if needed.

B III replacements will be your preferred DPS’s.

Boss Ignorer Team (Harder to Play)

Crown,Liter,Snow White,Red Hood,Attacker

Have you ever just wanted to IGNORE or serve some supreme CORRECTION against the target rapture? You can just use a Snow white team instead. Crown can buff Snow white very well, and allows 3 free Burst III slots instead of the usual 2 slots when running duos (Noir is a Burst III but her kit is not very desirable)

This team can fit very well against stages that have multiple gas Raptures, especially at the final wave where damage is too severe and unavoidable to handle. This helps the Commander to end the round ASAP.

The issues with Duo Snow white teams is that Snow white is forced with just one other Nikke, which in turn, makes it very hard for her to get through the initial stage mobs. But in Crown teams, a 1-1-3 Formation is is possible, which helps Snow white get through the initial waves much easier.

  • B1 Replacements: Dorothy, D:Killer Wife, Volume
  • B3 Recommendations: Alice (Burst Gen + DPS), Modernia (Screen clear if Needed), Emilia, Scarlet, Privaty (Stun), Preferred DPS’s.
  • Naga Can be slotted in if utility is not needed, and want more OOMPH from Snow white’s burst.


MGs need a really good kit to be viable in PvP, due to almost nonexistant burst gen, getting deleted by Scarlet and walled by Emma and Diesel, but Crown’s kit may just be strong enough to function despite all of these drawbacks.

The invulnerability with taunt would be good if it wasn’t locked behind 30 seconds of non-stop shooting in Arena. Her buffing capabilities, however, look very promising: up to 57% of Attack Damage if you run a healer, a shield and extra Attack to every ally that used their Burst, so she can find use on nuke teams as a better Blanc buffer as long as you don’t need Blanc’s indom.

For Defense, she has a lot of drawbacks, but Biscuit can allow her to live for long enough to use her burst, even if facing a Scarlet. This will need some proper testing to see if people can find Defense comps where she’s viable.

Special Interception | Solo Raid | Union Raid

Special Interception

Despite having no healing, Crown is still be able to be an extremely solid pick against most bosses. With the only boss she might not be able to manage alone being Blacksmith. She would need a pseudo healer to be able to survive a full round with it. and to a much lesser extent, Modernia.

Otherwise, Crown should be able to demolish all other Special interception bosses due to the massive DPS buffs she’s able to provide. Crown is also extremely friendly early game (If the user has Scarlet/Modernia/MG DPS’s) due to her reload speed buff, and will help new players to complete Special interception EX stage 9 quickly.

Crown/Naga team

Liter,Crown,Naga,Red Hood,Attacker

Similarly to campaign, this team can easily be used for special interception as well.

Burst I Replacements: Dorothy, Any CDR
Burst III replacements: Alice, Scarlet, Any of your preferred DPS
Flex Slot: Rapunzel, Any Healer(If Naga is not available to use)

Speed Run Team (Late/End game)

Tia,Crown,Red Hood,Modernia,Naga

Speedrun comp for end game players, stacking as much buffs as possible onto 1 RH burst to kill the boss quickly. For core-less or partial core bosses (Gravedigger*, Chatterbox, Modernia), you can replace Naga with another DPS unit with strong auto attack (e.g. Modernia) or Elegg/D for instant burst.

Specifically for Modernia SI, Modernia and Naga can be replaced with SBS Elegg/D for a quick kill thanks to instant burst; alternatively you can run SBS Modernia if you’re slightly short of killing the boss after 1 burst. As always with these speedrun comps, test in Mock battles to confirm viability before putting them into daily use.

Usually I wouldn’t list said team, but it’s getting easier and easier for near-late game players to form one burst teams. and to notify newer people that such comps exist.

  • Rotation = Tia > Red Hood > Crown > Red Hood

Alteisein Tech (Invested)

Crown Needs a highly invested skill 2 (9+) and high reload speed to be able to taunt + invulnerability at the first turret barrage. and it is important to destroy the Missile launcher slightly late to stall turret fire, unless the player gets lucky and Train targets Crown anyways.

The player can then Stall the last right side turret (by keeping it alive until its about to fire next barrage) and focus on left side turrets until more stacks are built, and can proc another invulnerability for the left side turret barrage.

(Yes, This team Cleared)

Solo Raid/Union Raid

Crown has extremely offensive buffing capabilities, potentially the best buffer even. Crown does suffer from lack of team healing, this can be somewhat managed with proper play and micromanaging her taunts and invulnerability. However, if the boss isn’t forgiving with its attacks, a pseudo healer might be needed.

Pair with Naga? (Solo Raid/Union Raid)


Despite being able to replace Tia in other game modes, it’s NOT good a idea to pair Crown + Naga in Solo Raid/Union Raid. This approach has a couple issues such making Tia’s buff under-utilized or completely discarded at worst which will result in lower overall damage potential. Not to mention Naga’s ATK buff from her burst will be completely discarded, even though it’s based on a Supporter’s Caster ATK, it’s still a buff and every bit of damage counts in raids.

Another issue with splitting up Tiga is survivability, instead of having Tia and Crown providing shields for 2 different teams now only 1 team will be protected by Crown while the other gets protected by Tia every other burst*. Recent SR bosses have had their damage output tuned up making survivability an important aspect when making raid comps, constant shielding from Tia has made Tiga comps the safest and easiest to play, proving how vital individual shields are in the current raid meta.

Dorothy teams have been notoriously hard to keep alive without sacrificing damage potential by using a pure healer (Marciana), even the Biscuit variation struggles to stay alive because Privaty doesn’t get healed enough to stay alive or struggles to deal with bosses with constant AOE attacks that requires covering (Ultra/Nihilister). Crown being in B2 slot makes her a great candidate for Dorothy comps as she provides offensive buffs while increasing their survivability, there’s also reload synergy with Privaty to reach instant reload (with Reload cube) during Burst and halves the reload time outside of burst. While S.Anis Scarlet is still a valid option for Dorothy comps, you’re no longer forced to run Electric units to benefit from S.Anis’s S1 buff, opening up the door to other B3 combos such as Alice + SBS.

Hyper Anis: Sparkling Summer Team

Dorothy,Crown,Anis: Sparkling Summer,Attacker,Privaty

Slightly Awkward team, Scarlet can be the flex Nikke however Boss will most likely target her as most bosses have “target Highest ATK”, which Scarlet in almost all teams due to her ATK buffs, and Crown team simply does not have that sustain to keep Scarlet alive. Biscuit can be used instead, as her damage is extremely decent, and in cases, can close in on Scarlet’s personal damage if there is enough parts to take advantage of (consistently 1+ parts) when invested in this team.

Infinite Reload Team (Dorothy)


Possible BIII Pairs:

  • Scarlet: Black Shadow, Alice (Best, Especially if Alice has Lacking Max ammo Rolls)
  • Maxwell, Modernia (Modernia does not Burst)
  • Snow white, Maxwell (If boss has many parts)
  • Preferred DPS’s

As mentioned earlier, Pairing Privaty with Crown and Resilience cubes will enables infinite uptime teams on burst. Visual example should explain everything.

Meta Support Comparisons

Tia Naga = around 2.6x (With Core)
Crown = 2.2x (Varies depending on which Nikkes are being used, if heavily reliant on Reloads)
Bunnies = 2.0x (Varies again depending on Nikkes used)

Crown teams is able to have 3 burst III’s(If sustainability allows it), and is able to deal very decent DPS herself, allowing her to even surpass Tia Naga teams depending on Nikke investment (Max Ammo)

If your hard hitters are low on max ammo rolls, or don’t exist at all. It is extremely recommended to run them in this team (Alice or Modernia). They will thank you.


  • Hands down, best burst II Nikke. Even outperforming both duos in several content ALONE
  • Several Offensive Buffs, with very high uptime while only being a 20s Cooldown Nikke
  • Can make instant reload teams, which heavily mitigate some Nikkes major downsides (Scarlet,Modernia,MG’s)
  • She is part of the best campaign clearer team as of right now, and enables multiple other teams without needing another Nikke to function
  • Her Skill 2 Taunt + Invulnerability can be abused on multiple content when timed properly (Campaign, Bosses)
  • Will One shot a heretic to protect you and her loyal subjects
  • Gacha Skin
Crown Best Builds, Teams, and How to Play | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (5)
Crown Best Builds, Teams, and How to Play | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (6)


  • The King has No weaknesses. (Well, maybe just performing just okay in PvP and no team sustain)
  • Do Not Touch Chime.
  • Extremely tempted to make a new tier for her

You Will Pull.

Ehem. The kingdom will not allow non-crown havers.

You need to mileage her if you don’t get her. she’s extremely good, and will be hard to get after her rate up is finished.

MLB is not very needed as a most of her damage buffs are from skill 2 and burst as a f2p, which are not scaled from her stats. she is not very dupe reliant, and is PERFECTLY fine at 1 copy. However whales and dolphins are very free to MLB+ her anyways

Healing has been “fixed” to allow healing to go consistently to Crown, so Dupes no longer “brick” her. All videos that say otherwise is outdated, as there was a patch at April 29th that fixed this “issue”. Feel free to throw money at her if wanted.

Recommended Harmony Cube

Crown Best Builds, Teams, and How to Play | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (7)

Resilience = Any team with reload speed buffs prefer Reload speed. Since Crown has reload speed buffs, All Nikkes in the team will greatly prefer Resilience over bastion. No question. If there’s not enough cubes for all Nikkes, Prioritize DPS’s first over supports.

Bastion = If Resilience cubes are all used.

Temporary Rating

Overall (PvE)10

Skill Priority

NikkeBudget Skill InvestmentsRecommended Skill InvestmentsSkill PriorityNotesInvestment Priority
CrownSkill 1: 7
Skill 2 : 7
Burst : 7
Skill 1: 10
Skill 2 : 10
Burst : 10
S1 = S2Skill 1 Offers More DPS gains generally. Extremely powerful when paired with other reload speed Nikkes (Privaty)

However Skill 2 offers more utility and self sustainability. It is up to the Commander to choose what to raise first.

Burst is basically just a big DPS buff, with a very nice team shield.

Attribute (Sub-Stat)PriorityRecommendedNotes
Increase Element Damage Dealt★★★★☆2-4xShe’s able to deal decent damage. and Max ammo isn’t mandatory for her due to reload speed.
Increase Hit Rate☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity★★★★★2xUseful to proc skill 2 more often, however, has enough reload speed to keep the downtime of her skill 2 minimal. Still extremely helpful to have a few.
Increase ATK★★★★★4xTime to make the king a DPS.
Increase Charge Damage☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Charge Speed☆☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Rate★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase Critical Damage★☆☆☆☆0x
Increase DEF☆☆☆☆☆0x
Crown Best Builds, Teams, and How to Play | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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