The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

7. THE 'SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1953 INJURED MAN FINDS WORLD HARD-HEARTED Passersby Ignore Him for Two Days and Night On Bridge Abutment Omaha, Sept. 11 Hansen, 58, today had reason to believe that it is a tough old world, with every man for himself. For two days and a night he lay injured on a concrete bridge port, pleading for help while passersby ignored his cries. The Sioux City (Ia.) man told county hospital authorities here he fell from a Chicago Northwestern Railroad bridge Tuesday as he walked with a companion.

He plunged 12 feet onto the bridge abutment, narrowly missing a 35-foot fall into a ravine. companion said he would bring help. But he never returned. Hansen said he lay on the ledge Tuesday night and Wednesday morning unable to move because of foot injuries. He called to persons walking near the bridge Wednesday.

Sevthey would go for help. erane said. One man brought him coffee for which Hansen said he paid his last dollar. The man promised to send but no aid came. Hansen's cries finally attracted A construction supervisor nearby.

He summoned the Omaha rescue squad ands Hansen was taken to Douglas County Hospital. At the hospital it was found that Hansen had a fractured left heel and a possible fracture of his right heel. Hospital authorities today said his condition was U. S. Treasury Position Cash balance.

$8,629.744,903.74: Budget expenditures fiscal year, $13.778.271.608.95. Investing Companies Bid Asked Aberdeen Fd .83 .91 Affiliated Fd 4.74 5.13 Am Bus Shrg 3.83 4.09 Do FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip? be sprinkled on upper or plates, FASTEETH, A An improved to holds false teeth more firmly in place. Do not slide, slip or rock. No gummy. gooey, pasty taste or feeling.

FASTEETH 1s alkaline (non Does not sour. Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). Get FASTEETH at any, drug store. To ISLAND PEMAQUID From New London 11:00 A.M. From Block Island 3:45 P.M.

(Daylight Saving Time) FARES (Good for day of issue only) WEEKDAYS $2.50 one way $3.00 R.T. SUNDAYS HOLIDAYS $2.50 one way $3.00 R.T. LAST TRIP SEPT. 13, 1953 All Rates Include Federal Tax SOUND STEAMSHIP LINES. INC.

Central Wharf, New London. Conn. P. Box 1627 Tel. New Conn.

2-5469 The Pitkin Music Shop Enjoy Music Play Sing Collect Sheet Music and Albums Classical and Popular Johnson's Bookstore Bldg. 1383 Main Call 4-6189 Evening Sessions Co-educational APPLY NOW Freshmen Start Sept. 14. SCHOOL OF LAW Curriculum leading to the degree of Bachelor of Laws. Preparation for bar examinations and practice.

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Admissions Office Open 9 to to 1 P.M. WESTERN NEW ENGLAND COLLEGE 114 Chestnut Street Tel. 6-3681 Springfield, Mass. Axe Houghton Fd A 9.19 9.941 Do 14.4* 18.90 Do Stk F'd. 431 3.18 Blair How 4.10 2.40 blue Kiuge Mut 3.01 9.62 Gold ADv Ar in 20.

Fund 21.10 SL. Inv 40.0 und 24.12 Canada Century Canadiall. 511 ucil: rd 8 10. 10.11 8.18 11.01 10.31 8.81 p'und 18.14 10.0 invest 6.41 Cons Invest 20.2 28.20 Delaware Fund 10.37 Divers F'd Div Cum Suk 4,86 0.00 Jo Do Grta' Stk 0. Us 7.28 Do Invest 0.19 Divers at 9.00 10.23 Dividenu Shra 1.78 1.00 Dreyfus bu 10.40 Cat llow Bal 30.16 32.8 Do Stk 23.82 P'und 10.00 17.30 Finan 100 Fd Boston 32,00 34.00 Founders Mut 7,38 824 Frank Cus F'd 6.33 7.00 Frank Cus ti.

20 6. iv Inv 19.20 Indust Fa 14,82 14.50 Gen Capital Cp tit. 0. Gen Investors Tr Group Sec Auto 7.23 10 Aviat Do Chem 8,00 DO Hiag 5 Com Stk 8.04 10 Elect Do Foods 5.42 Do ruily. Auin 7.39 8.10 Do Gen Bd 8.34 9.11 Do Ind sich 8.33 9.20 Do Inst 3d 9.09 9.17 Do Invest 6.03 10 Low 6.52 6.03 Do Merch 1.84 8,59 Do Mining 5.33 6.07 Do P'etrol 6.12 6.71 Do RR Bd 3.00 Do RI Equip 3.

JU Do RR Stk 7.20 1.80 Do Steel 6.18 6.75 Do Tob 4.32 4.07 Do Util 6.8 1.47 Growth Cos xd 10.11 11.06 Growth Indus 23.01 24.22 Hudson Fd 11.11 12.01 Income Found Fd 7.14 1.92 Incorp Investors 9.30 10.27 Inst Sh Ltd: Growth Fd 12.12 13.26 Do Bank .82 .90 Do Insur 1.12 Do Found 14.44 16.79 Investment Co Am 10.65 11.90 Invest Tr Bost 10.48 11.45 Keystone Cust 1 27.07 Do 2 24.16 Do 3 17.49 18.09 Do 10.21 11.14 Io 25.03 23.31 Do 16.37 18.448 Do 31.19 34.25 Do 16.89 18.43 Do 8 10.15 16.33 Do 0. 3.92 6.16 Knickerbocker Pd 0.05 6.12 Lexington Fd 8.00 9.81 Say Mut 34.14 36.11 Manag Fd Auto 3.31 3.65 Do E1 Equip 4.01 4.12 Do Gen 3.11 Non Ferr 3.30 3.64 Do Paper 4.87 Do Petrol 4.36 4.80 Do Steel 3.89 4.29 Manhat Bond Fd 7.73 8.47 Mass Invest Tr 18.00 19.51 Mass Inv Growth 15.32 16.89 Mass Life Fd 27.13 29.39 Mutual Fd Bos 13.90 15.11 Invest 16.01 Nation Wide Ral Fd 15.08 16.19 Natl Investors 10.86 11 74 Sec Ser-Bal 8.48 9.68 Do Hond 6.61 Do Pref Stk 7.37 8.05 Do Income 4.48 4.90 Do Specul 3.38 Do Stock 5.29 Do Growth 10.25 Nat Res Can Fa 2.60 2.83 Nat Res Fd 3.33 4.20 New England Fd 17.20 18.59 Pac Am Inv 5.30 5.80 Pioneer Fd 17.20 18.74 Putnam (G,) Fd 18.89 St (k 53.31 53.91 Selected Am Sh 18.37 Sharehidry Tr 24.42 26.40 Sovereign, Inv 7.51 8.22 State Street Invest 58.73 62.25 Stein id 21.36 41.58 Television Fd 12.78 13.93 Texas Fd 4.75 3.19 Unit Accum Fd 11.36 12.57 United Income Fd 11.37 12.36 Unit Science 5d 0.62 5.81 Van Strum 'P Fa 7.60 8.28 Value Line Fd 5.67 6.20 Value Inc Fd 4.47 4.89 Wellington. Fd 19.29 21.04 Whitehall Fd 18.25 19.37 Wisconsin Inv 3.96 4.29 Indicates, Not quoted by sponsors or asset value. xd Declared extra dividend. Radio WREB.

HOLYOKE 980 KO SATURDAY 6.00 News 12.30 Local News 6.05 Clockwatch 12.45 Stork Club 7.00 News 12.50 Stars Sing 7.05 Clockwatch 1.00 Police Beat 8.00 1.05 Matinee 8.05 Clockwatch 5.00 News 9.05 Organ 2.05 Matinee 9.15 Sacred Heart 3.00 News 9.30 Proudly Hail 3.06 Matinee 10.00 News 4.00 News 10.05 Music Box 4.05 Matinee 11.00 News. Music 3.00 News 11.30 Flanagan 5.03 Matinee 11.45 Serenade 6.04 Polka Party 12.00 Home Hour WTIC-FM HARTFORD, 96.5 MO SATURDAY 12.00 Musicale 3.45 Music We Like 1.00 Anniversaries 6.00 Dinner Atusic 1:15 On Parade 6.25 Weather' 1.30 Pan-Am Music 6.30 NBC Symphony 2.00 Concert Hall 7.330 Pre-Curtain 2.00 Opera House 8.00 Opera House 3.00 Symphony 10.00 Pop Concert 4.30 Tea Time 11.00 Slumber Time 5 30 Storvbonk For the Man Who Pays the Bills Here's new Plan that SBLI helps solve money worries for the man with family. It guarantees INCOME to your family if something happens you within the next 20 years; then gives cash for education, travel, retirement. The cost is sure prisingly low, using the new Family PROVIDER Plan. Get facts and rates at our Life Insurance Dept.

PALMER SAVINGS BANK BANK CORNER, PALMER PRODUCT OF BRISTOL-MYERS CONSTIPATED? Mrs. Margaret Steere of Utica, New York, shares her discovery of relief with you! "I'd like to tell the whole world how I finally got relief from constipation! Especially since I tried so many laxatives and didn't get the relief I wanted! "On a friend's suggestion, I bought some Sal Hepatica at the drugstore. The next time I had that logy, headachy" feeling due to constipation, I took a glass of sparkling Sal Hepatica a half hour before supper. And, by bedtime, believe me, I felt fit as a fiddle!" Yes, take sparkling Sal Hepatica before breakfast and feel fine again. usually within an hour.

Or, take it in the evening one-half hour before supper and feel fine again by bedtime! Sweetens sour stomach, too! So keep Sal Hepatica handy in your medicine chest. Gentle, speedy SAL HEPATICA Saline, Antacid Laxative PRODUCT OF BRISTOL-MYERS SATURDAY A. M. WRZA 1030 WMAS 1450. WSPR 1270 FM, 97.1 MC EM, 94.7 MO de Suze News, Melody Lead Kindly Light Suze.

Weatherbee Melody Express News, Rhythm 7.30-News, Ken Mayer News, Melody Spot Rhythm 1.45-Carl de Suze Melody Express Spot Rhythm 8.0-Mayer. de Suze News. Shoppers News, Agronsky 8.45-de Suze. Mayer Shoppers Special Pioneer' Sous 8.30-News. Suze Shoppers Special Children's Corner 8.45-de Sure, Mayer Shoppers Special Children's Corner 9.00-Howdy Show News News, No School 9 15-Howdy Doody Show.

Four Alfred Aces Newman No No School School Today Today 0.45-Science Park Kay Starr No School Today 10.0 Archie Andrews Showcase No School Today 10 -Archie Andrews Showcase No School Today 10.30-Mary Lee Taylor News, Dixie Four Space Patrol 10.45-Mary Lee Taylor Femme Fair Space Patrol 11.00-My Secret Story Musio Camp News, Front, Center 11.15-My Secret Story Music Camp Front and Manners Ralph Flanagan Clubhouse Manners Edw. Rose Snow Clubhouse SATURDAY M. WIZA 1030 1450 WSPR 1270 FM. 97.1 MO FM. 94.7 MO 12.00-Newa Reporter Man On Farm 101 Ranch Boys Answer Man Man On Farm 101 Ranch Boys 12.50-Bob Rissling Show To the Ladies American Farmer 12.45-Bob Rissling Show To the Ladies American Farmer arm and hom*o News News and Home Pierson Serenade 1.30-Farm and Home Ruby Mercer Shake Maracas and Home Roundup Shake Maracas 2.00-Dick Tucker Red Sox Game News, Platter 2.15-Dick Tucker Red Sox GAme Platter Parade 2.30 Tucker Red Sox Game Platter Parade 2.45-Dick Tucker Red Sox Game l'latter Parade 3.00-Dick Tucker.

Red Sox Game Army Concert 3.15 Dick Tucker Red Sox Game Army Concert Tucker Red Sox Game Army Concert 3.45-Dick Tucker Red. Sox Game Army Concert 4.00-Dick Tucker Red Sox Game Music Box 4.15-Dick Tucker Red Sox Game Horse Races l'arade Mac MacGuire Pan An. Union 4.45-Bands Parade Mac MacGuire Pan Ani. Union 5.00-City Serenade Tops in Pops Martha Lou Hard 5.15-City Serenade Tops In Pope Martha Lou Harp 5.30-To Be Announced Show Shop Paulina Carter 5.40-To Be Announced Show Shop Waltz Festival SATURDAY P. M.

WBZA 1030 IM.AS 1450 WSPR 1270 FM. 97.1 M10 FM, 91.7 MO 6.00-News, Headliner News, Scores To General Veterans News 6.15 Leo Egan Music 8.30-Te Be Announced Music Bob Finnegan 6.41-To He Announced Musia June Christy 7.00-Hawthorne Helfer, Sports Record Roundup 7.15-Hawthorne Pentagon Report Record Record Roundup Roundup 7.30-New Talent Word of Life 7.45-New Talent Word of Life Record Roundup 8.00-New Talent Twenty Questions Dancing Dancing Party Party 8.15-New Talent Twenty Questions 8.30-New Talent Barn Dance, Dancing Party 8.45-New Talent Barn Dance Dancing Party 9.00-New Talent Barn Dance Dancing Party 9.15-New Talent Barn Dance Dancing Party 9.30-For Listening Lombardoland Dancing Party 9.45-For Listening Lombardoland Dancing Party 10.00-What's the Score Theater of Air Record Record Roundup Roundup 10.15-1 hat's the Theater of Air 10.30-Slim Pickens Theater of Air Record Record Roundup Roundup 10.45-Slim Pickens Theater of Air 11.15-Star 11.00-News. Dust Orchestra Record Roundup Weather Nowa News 11.30-Star 11.45-Star Dust F. Orchestra Record Roundup Dust Orchestra Record Roundup A SUNDAY A. M.

WEZA 1030 WMAS 1450 ITSPE 1270 FM, 97.1 MC FM, 94.7 MO 8.00-Evangelical Ar. News Bible Bible Classes Classes 8.30-News 8.15-Evangelical Reports Hr. Carolers Wildwood Church Sacred Heart Science Religious News Wildwood Church 9.00-World News Healing Wings Rev. J. G.

G. Gilkey Gilkey 9.30-Book Carnival Back to God Voice of Prophecy 9.15-These Truths Healing Wings Rev. 9.45-This I Know Back to God Voice of Prophecy 10.00-Radio Pulpit Class Singing Heart Americans 10.30-Art 10.15-Radio of Living Prophecy Voice Negro Col. Choir Pulpit Bible Class Sacred 10.45-News Prophecy Voice Negro Col. Choir 11.00-Theater Life Old First Church News, Quartet 11.15-Theater of Life Old First Church Quartet Christian Action Is My Beat Old First Church 11.45-Male Chorus Old First.

Church Christian Action SUNDAY P. M. WIZA 1030 WMAS 1150 WSPR 1270 FM, 97.1 MO FM, 91.7 MO 12.00-News, Weather Errand of Mercy News 1.15-Answer Man Jewish Life Gloria Parker 12.30-Eternal Light Jewish Life March Italian Time Gems Light Music of Worship 1.00-Melody Manor Van Deventer Italian Gems 1.30-Take Bow To Be Announced Hour of Charm 1.15-Melody Manor Merry Mailman Italian Gems 1.45-Take Bow Warmup Time Hour of Charm 2.00-The Catholic Hour Red Sox Game Pan Am. 2.15- The Catholic Hour Red Sox Game Pan Am Union 2.30-Sammy Red Sox Game Concert Concert Hall Hall 2.45-Sammy Kaye Red Sox Game 3.00-Critic At Large Red Sox Game Herald Truth 3.15-Youth Music Red Sox Game Herald of Truth 3.30-John Freedom Red Sox Game Hour of Decision 3.45-John, Freedom Red Sox Game Hour of Decision 4.00-London Concert Red a Game Revival Hour London Concert Red Sox Game Revival Hour 4.30-London Concert Dear Margy Revival Hour Concert. Dear Margy Revival Hour 5.00-Symphony The Shadow Around World 5.15-Symphony The Shadow Around World 5.30-Symphony True Detective Week Music 5.45-Symphony True Detective Week in Music SUNDAY P.

M. 1030 WMAS 1450 IFSPR 1270 FM, 97.1 MO FM, 94.7 MO 6.00-Geoffrey Harwood Nick Carter Headlines 6.15-Music Hour Nick Carter Drew Pearson 6.30-Music Hour Squad Room Sokolsky 6.45-Music Hour Squad Room Bill Stern 7.00-Music Hour Treas. Varieties Am. Music Hall 7.15-Bob Considine Treas. Varieties Am.

Music Hall 7.30-Trans-Atlantic Lutheran Hour Am. Music Hall Lutheran Hour Am. Music Hall 8.00-Tony Martin Time Bill Cunningham Am. Music Hall 8.15-Tony Martin Time News Am. Music Hall 8 30 Best Plays Enchanted Hour Am.

Music Hall 8.45-Best Plays Enchanted Am. Music Hall 9.00-Best Plays Marine Rand Walter Winchell 3 15- Best Plays Marine Band Taylor Grant 9.30-Confession How's Family Call Me Freedom 9.45-Confession How's the Family Call Me Freedom 10.00-To Be Announced Reveries. Paul Harvey 10.15-To Be Announced Reveries Alistair Cooke 10.30-Answerman, Roth Little Symphony Songs by Fisher 10.45-Report to Vets Little Symphony Vacationland 11.00 -News. Sports News News Fleming Jazz Off Record Three Suns 11.30-Meet the Press Jazz Off Ballroom Musta 11.45-Meet the Press I Jazz Off Record Ballroom Music Outdoor Sportsman's Guide By BUDDY MARCEAU A reminder that the Westfield Beagle Club hare trials, licensed by the Westfield Beagle Club, are being held this week end at the club grounds and running fields. Today the 13-inch classes will be run and tomorrow to 15-inch hounds will take the field.

Hounds will field on both days at 8.30 a. m. Judges are Bill Hall of Blandford, Ray Fiaroli, Springfield, Herby Tupper, Palmer, and Francis McCain, Holyoke. Lunches will be served at the club house. The annual field day of the Worthington Rod and Gun will be held tomorrow at the club's new grounds, Route 112, in Worthlington.

The clam bake, to be served at 2 p. m. is the big attraction of the afternoon. The committee in charge Robert -Bartlett, chairman, aided by Kenneth OsArthur Roland and Franklin Bartlett. Outdoor sports will follow the bake.

For the first time some members and visitors will see the constructed club house. Windham County Kennel Club will hold its all-breed sanctioned AKC sanctioned match at Alumni Field, Danielson, Conn. tomorrow. Among the judges is A. S.

Graves of Springfield who will judge toy dogs. Judging at this show starts at 1.30 p. m. East Longmeadow will go doggie tomorrow as: dog enthusiasts attend the Springfield Kennel Club bench show, and the Western Massachusetts Doberman Pinscher Club fall sanctioned match at Palm er Kennels Poter East Longmeadow. Palmer, show chairman, has turned over his spacious grounds at the kennels for this event which promises to be a success.

A large field of dogs has been entered in, the different MORNING RADIO PROGRAMS WTIO 1080 WACE 730 WHYN 560 KO: FM, 93.1 MO Bob Steele Uncle Wally News, Music Hob Steele Newa, Uncle Wally Welcome Family Steele, Weather, Man With Hoe I Welcome Family Bob Steele Uncle Wally Music. News. News Uncle Wally: General News World News Uncle Wally Breakfast Hour Radio Bazaar News, Uncle Wally, Breakfast Hour Radio Bazaar Uncle Wally Breakfast Hour. News, What's New Uncle Wally News Broadway Review: Uncle Wally Kitchenaire The Cisco Kia Uncle Wally Kitchenaire The Cisco Kid Unity Viewpoint Morgan Baker Archie Andrew. Polish Melodies Galen Drake Archie Andrews Polish Melodies Galen Drake Mary Lee Taylor Polish Melodies Let's Pretend Mary Lee Taylor Polish Melodies Let's Pretend My Secret Story Polish Melodies Grand Central My Secret Story Polish Melodies Grand Central Modern, Romance Polish Melodies Give and Take Modern Romance Bing Crosby Give and Take AFTERNOON RADIO PROGRAMS WTIO 1080 WAGE 730 WHYN 560 KO FM, 93.1 MO News, Weather Mutter's Melodies Theater Today Week Album Mutter's Melodies 'Theater Today Farm Forum Mutter's Melodies Holly wood Stars Farm Forum Mutter's Melodies Hollywood Stara News Irish Gems Fun for All Farm and Home Irish Gems Fun for All Farm and Home Yankee Notes City Iospital To Be.

Announced Yankee Notes. Hospital, Drake To Be Announced Yankee Game News, Records Musical Miller Yankee Game Holyoke Library Musical Miller Yankee Game Caesar J'etrillo Musical Miller Yankee Game Caesar l'etrillo What's the Score Yankee Game Oversea Report What's the Score. Yankee Game Science of Bands Yankee Game Farm News Hall of Bands Yankee, Game Scratch l'ad Musicana Yankee Gaine World News Musicana Yankee Game Carle Keynotes Band Parade News. Star Time Treasury Show Band Parade Star Time. Treasury Show City Serenade Star Time Washington USA City Serenade Star Time Washington USA Author Speaks News, Star Time Ray Anthony To Be Announced Star Time Ray Anthony EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS WTIO 1080 WACE 730 WIIYN 560 KO 93.1 MO News Scores, Music General News Bob Steele Serenade Melodies Aeronautics A.

Shindig Sports Review Washington F. A. Shindig Daniel Schorr Hawthorne At the Chase Hawthorne At the Chase New Talent Chicagoans New Talent Chicagoans New Talent Broadway My Beat New Talent Broadway My Beat New Talent Gang Busters New Talent Gang Busters New. Talent Gunsmoke New Talent Gunsmoke Grand Ole Opry Country Grand Ole Opry Country Style Musio Country Style Musia Country Style Musio News, Orchestra Music Orchestra Newa Analysis J. C.

Harsch Dance Orch. Orchestra Dance Orch. Orchestra Dance MORNING RADIO PROGRAMS IFTIO 1080 WACE 730 SHYN 560 KO FM, 93.1 MO News, Geo. Crook Blessings Newa George Crook Comic Weekly Karamu Quartet Sabbath Message Comic Weekly Ave Maria Hour Children's Corner Canadian Fireside AVA Maria Hour World News Fireside St. Francis Hour Blue Serenade Canadian Fireside News Explorers Canadian Fireside Sunday Services Faith in Action Polish Melodies Sunday Services Radio Pulpit Polish Melodies Church of the Air Radio Pulpit Polish Melodies Church the Air Art of Living Polish Melodies Church of the Air Guest Star Polish Melodies Church of the Air World Music Polish Melodies Easy Listening of Musio Organ Music Easy Listening Book Carnival Irish Melodies.

Easy. Listening Changing World Melodies, News Easy Listening AFTERNOON RADIO PROGRAMS ITIO 1080 WACE 530 ITHYN 560 KO FM, 93.1 MC Spin 'em Again Polka Time Latin-Am Story Spin 'em Again Time Latin-Am Story Eternal Light Melody Symphony Tommy Dorsey Eternal Light Melody Symphony Costello, News News Jolly Kings Treasury Show Behind the Pages: Jolly Kings Treasury" Show Theater Music Jolly Kings Syncopation Theater Music Jolly Kings Syncopation Catholic Hour Yankees Serenade Catholic Hour Y. Serenade Box Opera Yankees Music Box at the Opera Y. Yankees Music Festival Critic At Large N. Yankees Musio Festival Facts Forum Yankees Music Festival Transatlantic Yankees Music Festival Transatlantic Y.

Yankees Music Festival London Concert Y. Yankees Matinee London Concert Yankees Matinee London Concert Star Time Quiz Kids London Concert Star Time Quiz Kids Symphony Star Time Godfrey Digest Symphony Star Time Godfrey Bandstand Digest Symphony Star Time Handstand Symphony Star Time EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS IFTIC 1080 MACE 730 ITHYN 93.1 560 MC KO 8 FM, News Spild. of c. Gene Autry Yale Interpreta Spild. C.

of Gene Showcase Autry Mantovani Old Timer Mantovani Star Time ShowcAse First Guy Lombardo First Nighter Guy Lombardo To Be Announced Richard Richard Diamond Diamond To Be Announced Tony Martin Junior Junior Miss Miss Best Tony Plays Martin Little Time Best Plays Little Margie Hall Fame Best Plays Hall of Fame Rest Plays Coffession Escape Coffession Escape Barrie Craig Music Cavalcade the Press Listen to Korea Barrie Craig Music Cavalcade Meet Meet the Press John Derr, Sports News News Analysis Clifton Utley Dance Band Meet the Veep Dance Band Band Youth Brings Musiol Dance classes Obedience trials have also attracted many enthusiasts. United States Revolver Association sectional championships are being held today and tomorrow at the Springfield Sportsmen's Club grounds in South Monson. Firing will get underway at 8 a. m. each day.

The Agawam Sportsman's Club annual field day and chicken barbecue, scheduled to be held at the club grounds Sunday, Sept. is receiving much attention. The committee has planned a good schedule of events to take place after the dinner. President Carl Roberts would like to know how many plan to be there so get your tickets well in advance. E.

German Commie Leader Arrested Berlin, Sept. 11 (P)-The West Berlin newspaper Nacht said today the secretary Germany's Communist central committee, Fred Oelsner, been jailed on charges of collaborating with ousted Interior Minister Wilhelm Zaisser, The paper did not reveal the source of its report. It said Oelsner, Red Politburo member who was of mass indoctrination programs in 'East Germany, was arrested Wednesday and questioned hours by party boss Walter Ulbricht and Zaisser's, successor, Ernst Wollweber. BABY CHANGES NAME Hartford, Sept. 11 (PA husky young man asked 1 the Superior Court today for, permission to FM, WJK0 101.9.

1600 MO TNT Show TNT Show TNT Show TNT Show News, TNT TNT Show Western Songs Western Songs Proudly Hail Proudly We Hall Hit Parade Marine Show Athenian Music Athenian Music Voice Italy Voice- of Italy Voice. of Italy Voice of Italy Voice of Italy Volce of Italy WIKO 1600 FM, 101.9 MO News Community News Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Northern Conn. Northern Conn. Let's Polka Let's Polka Record Hall Record Hall Record Hall Record Hall News, Record Record Hall Record Hall Record Hall 'The Beat The Beat The Beat The Beat The Reat The Beat The Beat. The Beat 1600 -K IM, 101.9 MO Sports Sports Roundup Studio Studio IJEO 1600 FM, 101.9 MO News, Serenade Serenade Serenade Serenade Catholic Mass Catholic Mass Catholic Mass Catholic Mass News Trinity Lutheran Trinity Lutheran Trinity Lutheran Advent Christian Advent Christian Advent Christian Advent Christian WTXL 1490 Timekeeper Timekeeper Timekeeper Timekeeper, News Timekeeper Timekeeper Timekeeper Timekeeper, News Record Shop Record Shop Record Shop Record Shop Country Store Country Store Country 19 Store Country Newa Country Store Country Store Crosby Sings Crosby, News WTXL 1490 Luncheon Music Luncheon Music.

Luncheon Musto Music, News 1490 Club 1490 Club 1490 Club 1490 Club, News 1490 Club 1490 Club 1490 Club 1490 Club, News 1190 Club 1490 Club 1190 Club 1400 Club, News 1490 Club 1490 Club 1190 Club 1490 Club, News Rhythm Ranch Rhythm Ranch Rhythm Ranch Rhythm Ranch WTXL 1490 Dinner Music Dinner Music Don Pirnie Sports, News Family Rosary Ballroom Make Believe Ballroom Make Believe Ballroom Make Believe Ballroom Musical Comedy Musical Comedy Musical Comedy Musical Comedy Sandman Sandman Sandman Sandman, News Sandman I. Sandman Sandman Sandman, Neva WTXL 1490 Sunday Music Sunday Music Concert Music Concert Music Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Lombardo Guy Lombardo Trinity Church Trinity Church Trinity Church Trinity Church 001600 IFTXL 1490 FM, 101.9 MO Voice of Italy Italian Airs Voice of Italy Italian Airs Voice of Italy Italian Airs Voice of Italy Italian Airs Athenian Melodies Italian Airs Athenian Afelodies Perry Como Athenian Melodies Perry Como Athenian Melodies 1490 Club Polish American 1400 Club Polish American 1490 Club Serenade 1490 Club Serenade :490 Club L'Allouette 1490 Club Allouette 1490 Club L'Allouette 1490 Club L'Allouette 190 Club Arabic Program 1490 Club Arabic Program 1490 Club Israel Vistas 1490 Club Israel Vistas 1490 Club The Beat Record Snop The Beat Record Shop The Beat Record Shop The Beat Record Shop WAKO 1600 WTXL 1490 FM, 101.9 MO Christian Science Ray Block Interlude Ray Block Church God Dick Haymes Church of God Dick Haymes Family Rosary Sacred Heart Bethlehem Bethlehem Baptist Baptist Bethlehem Bantist Lyn Murray Show Murray Show Concert Hall Concert Hall Concert Concert Hall Sandman Sandman Sandman Sandman Sandman Sandman Sandman News Blind Man Offered Another Guide Dog Niantic, Sept. 11 (P--A widely published Associated Press picture of blind Hubert Hall of Denver, weeping over the body of his guide dog which had been affected killed Mrs. by an automobile, so Robert H. Dunbar of Niantic.

that she wants to present Hall with Sparky, her four-month-old thoroughbred German shepherd. Mrs. Dunbar, who saw Hall's picture in the New London Day yesterday, said today: "I felt so dog-goned bad when I saw that poor man. I know how I'd feel if my dog were killed. I couldn't sleep.

I said to my husband, 'Let's offer him Sparky, if someone will train her for He knew how much I wanted to keep her, but he said all right." U. S. Funds Cut, R. I. DES Plans to Make Changes Providence, R.

Sept. 11 (P)- Because federal funds have been reduced, the Rhode Island DepartEmployment Security must reduce its staff and make other changes, State Director Thomas H. said today. He said these changes will have tor be made: 1, between 50 and 70 employees will be dropped; 2, jobless benefits will be paid every two weeks instead of weekly; 3, jobless benefits will be paid by check instead of by except in Providence, Pawtucket and Woonsocket; 4, the Bristol district office is to be closed. MRS.

BERNSTROM ELECTED New York, Sept. 11 (P) Mrs. C. Gustav Bernstrom, of Rensselear; N. today was elected president of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Lutheran Synod of New York and New England.

French, Longtime Critics Of U.S. Racial Segregation, Now Have Own Problem (France already has its share of problems. Unrest in Morocco. Strikes and money troubles at home. Now there's a new one, of race in a country which has always prided itself.

on social equality and has openly criticized the United States. France doesn't know what to do about it, but its Communists do. They exploit it.) Paris, Sept. 11 (P) The French, long critical of racial segregation in the United States, now, face a racial problem of their own. And they don't know what to' do about it.

300,000 Invade France Africans About have invaded France in 300,000 dark-skinned North the past few years and they're still them have coming. obtained Less than jobs. bRewer than 50,000 have found homes in a country, with one of the worst shortages in the world. The thousands of others teem through the cities. The Communists are.

exploiting their plight, inciting them to riots and keeping them stirred up with false promises of bettering their bad living conditions. In the years eight bloody riots between North Africans and police have rocked Paris. On July 14, France's Independence Day, seven were killed and scores of rioters and police injured when 2000 North Africans battled police in the Place De La Nation. As in all the other disorders, the French government said the riot was Communist inspired. Police forbade the North Africans to hold their own parade that day, but Reds invited them to join the Communist parade.

Incited by Communist speeches, the North Africans the police. Many Uprisings Scarcely a night goes out at least one uprising shattering the quiet of Pigalle, Aubervilliers, Boulogne-Billancourt and La Chapel quarters where the Africans live like rabbits in warrens. Street fights between gangs of Africans and police and whites are commonplace. So are killings, knifings, beatings and rape. Most Frenchmen, proud of their nation's racial tolerance, are shocked by the mounting disorders.

They don't know how. to handle the problem. For years France has been a mecca for crusading Negroes who denounce racial inequalities and discriminations in other. parts of the world--especially in the United States. American Negroes, including many talented ones angered racial discrimination at home, flocked, to Paris and the French and happily found themselves treated as equals.

Some, like Sugar Ray Robinson and singer Josephine Baker, have been idolized by the emotional French. Here the colored--American and Moroccan Negroes or the bronzed Algerians -never are turned away from hotels, cafes, theaters and other public places. They marry French girls and live with French mistresses. Small Compared to U. S.

But thoughtful Frenchmen know that the number in France is small compared to the United States. They wonder how long it will be before the color bar will begin to rise here as a result of a continuing influx. In the present problem, France is tasting some of the fruits of colonization. Seven years ago it granted citizenship to the Algerians. Unable to feed themselves in their overpopulated and povertystricken country, Algerians poured into France to receive the rights God's Truth Easily Understood Listen to THE RADIO BIBLE CLASS a Bible Teaching Ministry Dr.

M. R. DeHaan, Teacher HEARD EVERY WEEK OVER WSPR-1270 KC 8 A.M. SUNDAY You Win Either Way Whether you live or die, SBLI you Extra- win, with Ordinary the Life new Plan. For it guarantees the man who pays the premiums $1,000 cash, 20 years, if he's living.

If he doesn't, it guarantees his family several times that amount to help replace his income. Let us show you how you win either way. SPRINGFIELD FIVE CENTS' SAVINGS BANK 1319 MAIN' ST. and equalities and fraternities of French citizens. At first the French called them "pilgrims of hunger." Today they call it "the lamentable Of the 300,000 who have swarmed in, 90 per cent are Moslems from Algeria.

Only 138,887 have found jobs -and those the most menial. Usually they come seeking seasonal employment, and then stay. A Labor Ministry, spokesman pointed out recently that bad as are living conditions of nearly a all the Africans in France, many are better off than in Algeria. "Those ly." forced to supNorth Africans, working regularport on an average of three or four persons in Algeria, a total of some 555,548." In some respects the North Afcreate social and economic problems similar to the influx of 400,000 Puerto Ricans into the United States. But the U.

with a population of 160 million and a greater diversity of, industry, has absorbed the Puerto Ricans more easily than can France with a population of only 43 million and a tight Today North Africans with steady jobs make up France's level working class. Uneducated and unskilled, they can tackle only the most menial jobs. They become the sweepers the factories, lowest paid of the notoriously low-paid French 'workers. A great number of them, seeing "sous lower no way to better their lot, also become Communists. BETHLEHEM BAPTIST CHURCH REV.

LINWOOD G. DETWEILER Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. A DISCIPLINED LIFE" Gospel Service 7:25 P.M. "COLLEGE YOUTH NIGHT" Broadcast WTXL 7:30 8:30 P.M.

A New Church With Old Gospel Roosevelt Ave. at State St. 'GOD'S ROYAL FAMILY' Sermon SUNDAY 7:30 P. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. A.

D. Skymer Pastor "Welcome" BETHANY: PENTECOSTAL Springfield and Armory Sts. Grace Baptist Church Salem, Mattoon and Elliot Sts. REV. DAVID NETTLETON, Pastor BIBLE BELIEVING GOSPEL PREACHING Everyone Welcome SUNDAY, Sept.

13, 1953 Bible School 9:30 A.M. Worship 10:30 A.M. Evening Service 7:30 P.M. Pastor Nettleton1 Will Preach THURSDAY Prayer Meeting 7:30 P.M. MONDAY thru FRIDAY Radio Devotional "DAILY LIGHT" 9:00 9:15 A.M.

Station. WJKO 1600 Kc. TONIGHT AT THEY'RE BACKI ON CHANNEL 61 WWLP sid CAESAR 5 imogene COCA with comedy song and dance offered only by Your Show of Shows ad Suns WWLP CHANNEL 61 9:00 TONIGHT tr First half-hour OF THIS GREAT SHOW A 5 9:00 PM TO YOU BROUGHT 3 RCA Tala DIVISION OF CORPORATION OF AMERICA A 2 4 Daily Sailing Television INFO. New Haven. Channel Six SATURDAY 9.30 Science 6.00 Lone Ranger 10.00 Johnny Jup.

6.30 You Asked It 10.30 Smilin' 7.00 Your Life 11.00 Space Patrol 7.30 Arthur Murray 11.30 Terry 8.000 Ezio Pinza 12.00 Big Top 8.30 Amateur Hr $1.00 TV Theater 9.00 Show of Shows 1.30 Talent Patrol 10.30 Hit Parade 2.00 Baseball 11.00 Wrestling 4.30 Joan Davis 12.00 Theater 5.00 Judy 1,10 News 5.30 Hopalong WIZ. Boston. Channel Four SATURDAY 10.00 Sleepy Joe 6.00 Cowboy G-Men 10.30 Friend Club 6.30 Bigelow Thea. 11.00 Cartoons 7.00 Reulab 11.30 Hopalong 7.30 Ethel Al 12.00 News 8.00 Ezio Pinza 1.00 Jack Jill 9.00 Show of Shows 12.15 Circle 8.30 Amateur Hr 1.30 Crossroads 10.30 lit Parade 1.55 Baseball 11.00 News 4.30 Film 11.05 Sports 5.30 Roy Rogers 11.20 Wrestling WJAR. Providence, R.

Channel Ten SATURDAY 8.30 Sat. Cowboy 6:30 What Line 9.30 Smilin' Ed 7.00 Weeks 10.00 TBA 7.15 TBA 10.30 Hopalong 7.30 Judy 11.00 Space Patrol 8.00 Ezio Pinza 11.30 Rod Brown 8.30 Amateur Hr. 12.00 Big Top 9.00 TBA 1 00 Lone Ranger 9.30 Show of Shows 1.30 TBA 10.30 Hit Parade: 2.00 Baseball 11.00 Late News: 4.30 Film 11.05 Weather 5.30 Eddie Zack 11.10. Life At 80 6.00 Superman 11.40 Wrestling wwir. Springfield, Channel Sixty One SATURDAY 3.30 Matinee 7.30 Ethel Al 6.00 Popcorn Plyhs.

8.00 Chance 6.00 Adventure 8.30 Sat. Pihse. 6.15 Industry 9.00 Show of Shows 6.30 Variety Thea. 10.30 Hit Parade 7.00 Mr. Wizard 11.00 Movie WHYN, Holyoke, Channel Fifty-Fire SATURDAY 1.55 Baseball 8.00 Jackie Gleason 4.30 Film 9.00 2 For Money 5.30 Western 9.30 Meet Millie 6.30 What World 10.00 Medallion The.

7.00 Stork Club 10.30 News to Me 7.30. Star Plyhse. 11.00 News WENB. New Britain, Channel Thirty 7 SATURDAY Baseball 7.30 N. Y.

Wings 5.00 Western Thea. 8.00 Jackie Gleason 6.00 Ship Reporter 9.00 2 For 6.15 TBA 9.30 Favor. Husband 6.30 Double Play 10.00 Medallion The. 6.43 Red Barber 10.30 News to Me 7.00 Range Rider 11.00 Late Show change. his name.

The judge agreed. Baby Lashen became Albert Leshin. a A 4.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.