The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

p- ri 3 3 5 3 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1954 1 29 GREENFIELD ZLOBL IS GIVEN 22 YEARS IN JAIL AS CHECK THIEF Greenfield, May 21-Philip Zlobl of Greenfield, in Superior Court this was adjudged a common and notorious theif by Judge Eugene A. Hudson and sentenced to years in the House of Correction. He had changed a not guilty plea to guilty to 10 counts of larceny by check. nal the court for the The action completed the rent "session. Zlobl had entered a not guilty plea and was to have been represented but 'his out of town counsel failed to appear.

He agreed to trial this afternoon but after some, six jurors had been selected he asked to waive jury trial. After Judge Hudson had prepared the necessary paper to waive jury trial he changed his mind again and through Asst. Atty. Oscar Grife indicated he wanted to change his plea. He asked Judge Hudson for time make full restitution but after hearing a review of the case the sentence was imposed.

Greenfield Man Changes Plea to Guilty in 10 Counts of Larceny MORE BANDS NEEDED FOR LEAGUE PARADE Greenfield, May 21-Roland Lemay, chairman of the committee for the Marine Corps League fervention, committee, said today difficulty in obtaining bands for the convention parade to take place on July 4 and he urges that additional band organizations be obtained. The convention, 3, will and take 4 and place the here parade is to be one of the highlights. The next meeting of the committee will take place Tuesday at the quarters on the third floor of the Cohn Block on Main St. and. all Marines 'in the county have been urged to attend.

Vets' Memorial Greenfield, May 21-Comdr. Eugene P. Wissman of the Lt. John J. Galvin Post.

American Legion, today urged all members of the post to aid in- the decoration of graves, Sunday other morning veterans and organiza- gathtions at 8 a. m. at the town hall. The members of the post planning to attend the pre-Memorial Day Sunday service at Holy Trinity Church at 11 are to meet at 10.40 at the town hall. Sunday Services Greenfield, May 22-First Congregational minister; Church, Rev.

9.30, itarold W. Curtis, school; 10.40, nursery care; 10.45, sermon commendation of common folks." All Souls Unitarian Church, Rev: Paul H. Chapman, minister; 10.45, All Souls School; 10.45, sermon in the St. Games. Episcopal Church, Rev.

Roger B. Nichols, rector: 8, holy, communion; 9.30, higher school; 10.50, lower church school; 11, morning prayer and sermon. First Baptist Church, Rev. Ralph L. Rood, pastor; 10, church school; 10, men's class; 11, sermon "Don't throw your life Second Congregational Church, Rev.

Kenneth R. Henley, minister; 9.30, pre-school one; 10.45, pre-school two and kindergarten; 10.45, sermon "Life's second First Methodist Church, Rev. Arthur Hopkinson. minister; 9.45, church school; 10.45, nursery care; 10.45, sermon "Lifting life's levels." The Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, Rev. Charles O.

Peterson. minister; 9.45, Sunday school; 11, special music by Mrs. Spencer Howes, sermon "'The Lord for the body." First Church of Christ, Scientist; J1, Sunday service and school. "Soul and is the lessonsermon subject. 7..

Robbins Memorial Church, Rev. Albert H. Baller, minister; 9.40, church school; 11, special service of dedication for new pulpit Bible given as a memoral to the late Rev. and Mrs. William S.

Anderson: sermon topic, "'The God is not bound." St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Rev. Charles F. Bochner, pastor; 9.30, church school; 10.30, sermon by the pastor. Scripture readings for the fifth Sunday after Easter.

WILL DECORATE GRAVES Greenfield, May 21-Members of the Auxiliary to the Lt: William J. Carroll Marine Corps League Detachment are planning to take part in Memorial Sunday activities tomorrow. Graves will be flagged with details meeting at the town hall at 8 a. m. The pre-Memorial Day services Up-Country WHAI, GREENFIELD.

SATURDAY $.47 Farm Hour 6.35 Negro 7.00 Weatherman 7.05 Timetable 7.25 Weather p. 7.30 News 7.33 Timetable 7.45 County News 8.00 News $.15 Shelb. Falls 8.30 9. Deerfield 8.45 Northfield 9.00 News 9.15 Air Newspaper 9.30 Chapel Time 3: 10.00 News 10.05 Boy Scouts 10.20 Religion 10.30 Headlines 10.35 Stork Club 10.40 Britain Farm 10.35 News 11.00 Motor Pgm. 11.05 Music 11.13 Science 11.30 News WARE.

WARE, 6.00 Neighbor 6.25 News 6.30: Dodgin' News: 6.43 Farm. Corner 7.00 Neighbor 7.15 Driver's Seat 7.30 News 7.45 Good Morning 8.30 News 8.35 Good Morning 9.00 Religious News Radio 1240 KO 11.35 Music: Variety News 1 1.15 For You 1.30 Music 1.55 Red Sox Game 4.70 McGuire 4.30 News 5.00 Music 5.30 Social Sec. 5.45 Music Time 5.59 Cap. 6.00 News 6.10 Music Time 6.25 Weather 6.30 Boston News 6.45 Spotlight 7.00 Unshackled .7.30 Word of Life 8.00 Counter-Spy 8.30 Forum. 9.00 Music 9.10 Barn Dance 9.30 Lombardo 10.00 Theater 11.00 News 11.13 Dance Orch.

1500 EC SATURDAY 11.00 Music Magic: 11.30 Polka Party 12.30 12.45 Rural, Roundup 1,00 Red Skelton 1.00 Matinee 2.30 News 2.35 1250 Club 4.35 1250 Club 4.30 News 5.30 Melody Time 0.1. Christophers 5.45 News, Sports 9.30 Proudly Hall 6.00 Sundown Ser. 10.00. Morn. Varieties 7.00 Sign, Off A EASTHAMPTON Olczak-York A Wedding Today Easthampton, May 21-Sacred Heart Church will be the scene of the wedding of Miss Alice S.

Olczak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ignacy Olczak of 3 Pine and Robert J. York, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Oland York of Oliver St. morning at 9. Rev. John Chivalek, assistant pastor, will perform the double ring service. Miss Mary Bozek will be soloist, accompanied by Mrs.

Victoria Morey, organist. Miss Mary "York, sister.of the bridegroom, will bc maid of honor, and bridesmaids will be Miss Dorothy Pietraskiewicz, niece of the bride, Miss Joan Cantin and Miss Shirley St. Martin. Paula cousin of the groom, will be flower girl. Pilon serve as best man and ushers will be: David York, broiler of.

1 the Chester Yamikowski Southampton and Norman nephew of the bride, will be bearer. A reception for 200 guests, will be at the Quonset Club at lladley. Olczak was born in Easthampton, graduated from Easthampton High School and is em1ployed at the town treasurer's office. The groom, also a native of this town. was graduated from Easthampton High School and is employed as sales manager at Cernak Buick Co.

Upon return from a motor trip to Niagara Falls and Canada, the couple will live at 3 Pine St: Mrs. Charron to Wed Edward Martin Today Easthampton, May 21-The wedding. of Mrs. Sadie Scia Charron of 14 Mutter St. and Edward H.

Martin of: 77. Briggs St. will take place: Saturday morning at 6.30 in Sacred Heart Church. Rev. John Chwalek, assistant pastor, will perform the service.

Mrs. Dorothy Hersey will be her mother's matron honor and Edward H. Martin, will be his father's best man. A wedding breakfast will be served at the bride's home for members of the wedding party. Following a wedding trip to New York City and Atlantic City, the couple will reside at 14 Mutter St.

are employed at. the United Elastic Corporation. PARKER ROUSE Easthampton, May 21-Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter E.

Parker of Charles City. have announced the gagement of their daughter. abeth Marie, to Richard Wayne Rouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.

Rouse of Williston Academy. Miss Parker 'attended Colorado College for two years and is now completing her junior year at Smith College. Mr. Rouse is graduate of Williston Academy and is now junior at Yale University where he is a member of Pierson College. Larivee, 72, of 7 Berkeley.

died this morning at her home after a brief illness. Born. in Nashua, N. she was the daughter of the late Napoleon and Amee (Routhier) Larivee. She came to Easthampton from Oakdale in 1900 and was employed by the West BoyIston Manufacturing Co.

as an inspector. She leaves two brothers. Victor and Callif both at home; three sisters, Miss Roseanna and Miss Agnes Larivee, both at home and Mrs. Florita Beaudoin of Easthampton. The funeral will be held Monday at 8.30 a.

m. at the Boucher funeral home with a requiem high mass in Notre Dame Church. Burial will be in St. Brigid's Funeral 'of Leonard Wisenski, son Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Wisenski of 10 Terrace View, was this morning at the Czelusniak funeral home followed by a mass of angels in Sacred Heart Church. Rev. S. C. was celebrant.

Bearers were Robert Salewski, William Brooks, John Glowacki Victor Szalankiewicz. pupils, at Sacred School. was in St. Stanis-1 laus. Cemetery with Fr.

Zdebell officiating. Marriage intentions have been filed by Richard Horace Boutelle, D-3 Smith Lane, Stoney Brook. N. and Norma Sturtevant, 118 West 13th New. York City.

MISS DELIA LARIVEE Easthampton, May 21-Miss De- precede the meeting at 7. Faith Chapter, Women of the Moose, will meet Monday at 8 p. m. in the Moose Home. Memorial services will be conducted with men of the Moose taking part.

Trio Going to Boys' State for war dead will take. place at Holy Trinity Church and all members of the veterans 'organizations are urged 1 to attend the mass at 11 m. They will meet in uniform at 10.30 a. m. at the town hall and march in a body to the Selectmen Vote Not to Allow New Bus Stop Greenfield, May 21-Because of the opposition registered by the library trustees and Fire Stephen Zanieski, the selectmen today voted not to use the space in the public library for the Vermont Transit busses.

It was suggested, however, that the bus. company consider using the regular bus stop at Court Square for the southbound busses and avoid the need for making the trip the Franklin St. block twice before, resuming the trip south. continue Northbound busses would to stop at the side of the Mansion House. The board considered with favor acceptance by the town of a state bill which would permit the election of a commission at annual elections to promote business and industry in the town.

The selectmen voted to confer on June 4 with George Kornstadt regarding the operation of the concession at the swimming pool following a conference with members of the swimming pool committee. The board noted that Kornstadt1 submitted a high bid of $450 for the five operation of the concession for while Carpenter's Market which operated the concession last year submitted a bid of $379. The selectmen made plans with William F. Casey, paresident of the Greenfield Patriotic for the part the town will play in the 200th anniversary observance of the town of Montague. Will Test Siren Greenfield, May 21-A new five horse power siren which has been installed on upper Federal St.

near the Hartwin used' car lot will -be given a test. Saturday at 3 p. m. for one minute, William F. Casey, director of Civil Defense said todav.

Also to be given an initial test will be a new air whistle installed on the new municipal garage on Wells The whistle and sirens along with sirens at Fairview Leyden and the Franklin County Jail will be. tested at m. every Saturday for a period of one minute, Casey said. Accident Suit Settled Greenfield, May. 21-Settlement was announced today in Superior Court in two $10,000 actions brought by James Georgalis of 247.

Conway St. as a result of an accident on June 7, 1952, on Conway St. Defendants in the action were Leroy E. Deneault of Greenfield, operator of a truck involved and, WV. W.

Wyman, of Greenfield, owner of the truck. 4. Greenfield Briefs Greenfield, May 21-Members of the Franklin Boat Club will meet Saturday afternoon and. Sunday at the river in Turners Falls to complete work on the grounds which has not been accomplished due to bad weather. There will be a special meeting on Monday at 7:30 at the river for all club members.

The Western Massachusetts Christian Endeavor, Conference will take place Sunday. and evening at the First Congregational Church parish house. Registration will be at 2:30 p. m. Robbins Memoria) Church Young People will leave the church Sunday at 2 p.

to attend the Western Massachusetts Christian Endeavor rally at the First Congregational, Christian Church. and Missionary liance Youth Fellowship will meet Sunday at 6 p. m. in the church. Monday at 7:30 p.

m. then annual meeting of the Christian Missionary Alliance Church Sunday school will take place in the church. The Youth Forum of the Second Congregational Church will leave the church Sunday p. m. for an open meeting at Mohawk Park (in Charlemont.

The Disabled American Veterans lauxiliary will meet Sunday at 10 la. m. in the headquarters 201 Main St. and leave in a body to attend service at Holy Trinity Church in observance of Memorial Day. The Methodist Church Youth Fellowship will meet Sunday at 7 p.

m. in the church parlor. Connecticut Valley Pomona Grange will meet Monday at 8 p.m. in Montague. Supper The annual Boys' State sponsored 18 to by 26 the at state the department, Ameri- Mas-: can Legion will be from June University of sachusetts.

Three boys from Easthampton High School will represent the town, pictured here as they received the congratulations. of Floyd F. Martell, Boys' State chairman of the Easthampton Legion post. Seen are James Trudeau, Mr. Martell, Earl Lizotte and Richard Beebe.

Legion sponsors two of the boys and Easthampton Grange the third. Polish Junior League Constitution Ball in Holyoke -1 Over 250 gathered in the large and small ballrooms of the Roger Smith Hotel in Holyoke last night for the 14th annual "Constitution May Day" Ball of the Polish Junior League of Western Massachusetts. Pictured at the left is a table gathering of guests as they prepared to leave for the dance floor. From left to right are, seated, Edward Berestka of Easthampton; Miss. Stasia Dobek, Chicopee; Stanley Chwalek, and Mrs.

Walke, Holyoke. Standing are, Dr. Eugene Nicgorski of Holyoke Soldiers' Home; Miss Dorothy M. Kimball, Boston. In the front of table seated are, Mr.

and Mrs. William Werenski, Holyoke. At the right are three provisional members of the league making ready for their entrance to the ballroom, They are seated, Miss Dolores Sznal of Northampton, in orchid net; Mrs. Charles. Demers, of Holyoke, wearing a strapless white net gown.

Standing is Mrs. 'Robert Kane, Holyoke, in silver net ballerina gown, accordion pleated. Standing in the doorway is Mr. Kane. 17:30 in Alvin J.

Johnson Hall. The public is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Wiswall of Waban are week-end guests of Mrs.

Robert Vesper. The annual meeting and picnic of the Franklin County Northfield Club will be Saturday at 1 at the home of Mrs. F. Poitrast of Leyden Leyden. Husbands and children of members will be guests.

TURNERS FALLS wir. Turners Falls, 21-Funeral of John Pietraszek, 70, of Prospect St. was today at the Kostanski funeral home, followed at 9 by a high mass of requiem in Our Lady of Czestochowa. Church. Rev.

Joseph Sezcopaniak, pastor, officiated and recited prayers at the grave. in the parish cemetery. Bearers. were Stanley Dobosz, Frank Niedbala and John Plaza of St. Stanislaus Socicty; Frank Bakula, Adolph Golonka and John Weidlich of St.

Kazimierz Society. Following hearing 'given Julius and Irving Blassberg by the selectmen regarding conditions at the two junk yards operated by the Earley Blassbergs, has issued Fire a Chief. statement Charles contradicting statements made by the Blassbergs that on only occasion was; the Fire Department called to extinguish fires left burning at night in the yards. According to Earley, records show that there have been 24 calls to the junk yards since 1931. 1 3 CHARLEMONT May 21 Sunday church services will be: Charlemont Federated.

Church, Rev. William H. Wakefield, pastor; service at 11; sermon, "The rural church school 9.45.. Millers Falls Congregational Church has invited the young people to attend a young people's group meetSunday at 4. "St.

Christopher's Church, Rev. Francis E. Shannon, pastor; masses at 8.30 and 10. MILLERS FALLS Millers Falls, May Sky-Scan" is scheduled for the local Ground Observer Corps, which will be on duty 48 consecutive, hours starting at midnight Friday. Morgan Browning, supervisor, announced that in case of inclement weather, the operation will.

not be cancelled, but postponed for hours or until the weather clears. Forty-eight members of the corps will participate. Belado-Crowley out Post, American Legion, and Post, VFW, have completed plans for the annual Memorial Day observance. All units marching will assemble at Millers Falls Co. parking lot at 12.45 Sunday.

Exercises will be conducted at the bridge and at Highland Cemetery. Miss Ann Marie Collette of Mill who will become the bride of Raymond Deso of Springfield on July 31, was honored at a bridal shower in her home this week. Forty guests were present, from towns in this area. St. John's Church Sunday masses will be at 8.30 and 10.30.

Pastor is Rev. William Lee and curate, Rev. Charles Switalski. Sunday services in First Congregational Church, Sunday will be at 10.45, with T. Albert Lawrence officiating.

Sermon topic will be "A churchman's report." There will nursery classes for children -of parents attending the service. Sunday evening the Pilgrim Fellowship of the First Congregational Church will be host to the Fellowships of Leominster and Whately Supper will be served at 5.45. CHESTERFIELD Chesterfield, May 21-Chesterfield Grange met last night, It was voted to send the lecturer to the lecturer's Orono, later in the summer. Everyone was invited to attend a meeting of the Raymond Stone Legion Post to be held in the Grange Hall June 10. There will be a vaccination and immunization clinic at Davenport School, Monday morning from 9:30 to 11.

ic 3 BRATTLEBORO, VT. Primary Plan Is Favored by GOP Brattleboro, May 21 Members of the Windham County Republican Committee have voted 21-3 favor of holding 'a presidential preference primary, but they rejected three other proposals submitted as questions by the Taft Committee. The committee, meeting last night Newfane; turned down choosing delegates to the national convention by primary election, voting for vice-presidential candidate and conducting the primary on the date of the March town meeting. Chairman George B. Bush of Newfane w'as re-elected to a twoyear term as was Guy C.

Hawkins of Wilmington, treasurer, Dr. Walter Hendricks of Putney was named vice-chairman and Mrs Bertha C. Tier of Guiford, secretary. Named as delegates to the state convention were Robert T. Gannett of Brattleboro and Mrs.

Elizabeth Simonds of Westminster West. Before taking a recess until Monday at 1.30 p. Windham County Court granted two more divorces, as follows: Clare F. (Priest) Bergquist from Sam B. Bergquist, both of Brattleboro, on grounds of intolerable severity.

Two minor children were awarded to' the libelant and three to the libelle. In a cross libel, Marguerite (Rounds) Wright of Brattleboro from Stanley E. Wright, U. S. Navy, for intolerable severity.

Custody of two minor children was given to the libelant. The libelle is to pay $100 support monthly plus $100 for counsel fees and costs. William Short, .20, of Townshend appeared Municipal Court today on a charge of statutory rape involving a 15-year-old girl. Judge Ernest F. Berry continued the case for a plea under $500 bail and said he would appoint, counsel for the youth.

who without funds. J. B. Fuller of Wilmington was fined a total of $20 with costs $12.90 on guilty pleas to charges of passing a 'stop" sing and ceding the 30-mile speed limit in Western Ave. NORTHFIELD Northfield, May 21-Mr.

and Mrs. Wallace Stange attended the celebration of the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrew Stange South Deerfield Thursday evening.

Mrs. Elliott Speer's headquarters for her foreign student exchange work is now in her home in Philadelphia. One hundred Yale graduate students are holding week end meetings. at The Northfield. The OES willhold a food sale on Saturday at 2.

p.m. on the McEwan lawn. Boy and Girl Scouts are reminded thatt. his Saturday is camping day. WILLIAMSBURG Art Instructor Will Leave Post road test.

i. GOSHEN Goshen, May 21-Gilbert Sears, Williamsburg, May' 21 At a meeting. of the School Board the committee accepted the resignation of T. Drew of Haydenville' supervisor of art in the local schools. Mr.

Drew plans to teach three full days a week in Northampton next year and wishes to devote more time to creative work in art. The School Committee elected all teachers of the two 'villages for the ensuing year with the exception of the vacancy caused by Mr. Drew's resignation. 4 FIREMEN LAUNCH TRAINING PROGRAM Williamsburg, May 21-Williamsburg Fire Department, with Howard Sanderson, chief, has up a new. system whereby the fire fighters are.

divided into three groups with Lester, Wells, Kenneth Taylor and Mason each acting as leader of a group to instruct the men in various phases of the work. It is planned later to. have these teams conpete in hydrant and pumping practices. On week ends the men have participated in burning over large of grassland which are considered fire hazards the grass was not mowed last year. Village Hill Cemetery as a comRecently.

eight members mowed munity service project because of illness of the caretaker, Carlton Loveland. They are also busy outfitting the tanker which has been purchased by the town and it will soon be ready for use. Mrs. Murray Graves of South St. will entertain the third annual Brunch party at her home next Wednesday, rain or shine, from 10 to 2, for the benefit of the Woman's Union.

Miss Louise Porter and Mrs. Edward Dickinson are assisting on the refreshment committee. There will be a travel talk by Miss Leila Hyde. Twenty-six attended the pot lucks of the Golden Age group Thursday in Grange Hall. Miss Lucy Gray: played piano solo and there were card games.

The annual meeting of the Mothers Club, with Mrs. Robert Newell chairman, will be next Wednesday night at 8.30 at the home of Mrs. Cesareo of South St. Mrs. Alfred Nichols will be delegate from the Congregational Church Sunday at the examination and supper for Rev.

Mr. Reigor at North Amherst Congregational Church also the ordination following in the North Hadley church. Rev. Sylvester Robertson, interim pastor here, and Mrs. Robertson will attend also.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalton of Washington, have moved Dalton is retired chief of the Northampton Fire Department. L. A.

Merritt, superintendent of schools, attended the meeting of the Hampden Superintendents' Association Thursday in Hampden. Earl Tonet, teacher of driver education at the high school, announces that Eldora Read, Evelyn Warner and Janet Vayda, have passed their classroom requirements and on May 17 passed their Deerfield High Honor Students 1 11 These four Deerfield High School seniors are the honor students of the class and they will take important roles during the graduation exercises. Left to right: Marcella Shumway of Deerfield and Janet Radowicz of Sunderland, who are validictorians, and Janet 0'Kula and Eleanor, both of Sunderland, who are the salutatorians. 1 de son of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Sears of Lithia, left Thursday for Fort Devens to Army Mr. and enters. Richard Curtis and family of Main. St. have moved to Easthampton.

Fifteen men of the Fire Fighter's Association held a farewell party for Raymond Bradford and presented him a gift in appreciation for his help in the minstrel show. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford are moving to Williamsburg next week. WHATELY ALEX KAMINSKAS Whately, May 21-Alex Kaminskas of River died early this morning in Wesson Memorial Hospital in Springfield.

He was born in Lithuania and came to this country in 1914 and had made his home in Whately since that time. farmer, he was a member of St. James Church in South Deerfield and St. Joseph's Society of Northampton. Besides his wife, Mary (Adamitis) Kaminskas, he leaves a daughter, Mrs.

Stephen Adamitis of Northampton; four sons, Joseph of Northampton, Patrick of Amherst, Francis of Northampton and Donald at home; three brothers, Anthony of South America and Vincent and Benedict, both of Lithuania; and seven grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are in charge of the Lipinski funeral home of South Deerfield. The funeral will take place Monday at. 8.30 at his home on River with a requiem high mass at 9 in St. James Church, South Deerfield, and burial will be in St.

Mary's Cemetery, Northampton. Whately, May 21-Two dens of the recently organized Cub Scouts met yesterday following school at the homes of Mrs. Joseph Nickerson of Main St. and Mrs. Sherman Smith of Straits Rd.

Neal Grover and Paul Duda were chosen chiefs. and Mrs. Arthur' Wallace Peach and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hammin.

and son, Peter, left today for Wilmington, to attend the wedding. of Miss Linnea S. Farquhar Alfred W. Layton. Mrs.

Albert Dubois and son. Edgar, of West Whately have left for' Chicago to attend the graduation her daughter, Louise, from a Chicago hospital training school for. nurses. FALLS GOVERNOR SEES PUPILS el Boston, May pupils 21-A' of group the of Baker 23 School era Shelburne today visited Gov. Herter at the State House.

Following the visit with the chief executive they toured the Capitol and the Boston Museum of 'Science. The young people were introduced by Associate Commissioner of Public Works Fred B. Dole of Shelburne. His daughter, Cynthia, was one of the students. 1: The children were in charge of Daniel Frumerin and Mrs.

Emily Falls, May 21-Ozro, Miller Chapter, WRC, will met Friday in Memorial Hall. Mrs. Jennie Tennant and Mrs. Louise Tennant will be Collections for the Kappa-Beta auction to be conducted May, 26thin the Cora Smith Hall m. will be made Saturday.

Those wishing towhave pick-ups made should contact Mrs. John Davenport or Mrs. William Crofton. Services in Seventh Day Adventist Church will be conducted Saturday morning in the Community Room. Sabbath School will he At 10, followed by the service at' 11.

MONTAGUE Montague, May, 21-The Ladies Benevolent Society of the Congregational Church met at the home of Mrs. Cora Ross Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Louise Hale led the de-: votions. The Past Matrons of Mount Toby Chapter, OES, met at the home of Lawrence Marvel of Millers Falls Thursday evening.

Mrs. Mae Leland and Mrs. Harriet Smith were hostesses. The next meeting will be at Bernice Martin's camp at Lake Wyola June 24. Miss Jackie Annear and Miss Norma Newton were hostesses shower given last evening in honor of Jane Newton who will be married to Charles Field of Northfield.

Guests were present from (Greenfield, Amherst, Millers Falls and Montague. Mr. and Mrs. William Wonsey of Federal St. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Anne, to George W.

Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Allen of Silver Greenfield. A 4r SUNDERLAND Sunderland, May 21-Osborne A.

Browne of Shelburne will give an illustrated talk on the old time canals of this -area at the annual meeting of the Historical Society, Tuesday' evening at 1 Television- VHF CHANNEL 8.30 Down to Earth 9.00 Mt. Tales Friend Club Red Barry 10.45 11.00 Film 11.30 Ace Drummond 12.00 Ramar 12.30 Big Brother 1.00 Hopalong 1.30 Col. Flack 2.00 Young Ideas 2.30 Playhouse 3.00 Matinee 4.00 Kate Godfrey ISoston, Mass. SATURDA 4.45 News. 5.00 Film 5.30 Roy' Rogers 6.1h) Movie 4.30 Ozzie-Harriet 7.00 You Asked It 7.30 Ethel AI 8.00 Lucky Star 8 40 Antateur.

9.00 Show of Show: 10,30 Hit Parade 11.00 News 11.05 Sports. Wrestling 11.20 12.35 News WBZ. CHANNEL Roston, Mase. SUNDAY Tour Trouble 4,30 Zoo Parad. 9.30 Science 6.00 Hall of Fume 9.30 Mr.

Wizard 5.30 Kukla 10.00 Faith 6.00 Playhouse 10.30 Living Book 7.00 Range Rider 11.00 Freedom House 7.30 Mr. Peepers 12.040 Nene 8.00 Comedy Hour 112.13 Film 9.00 TV Playhouse 1,00 Talent 10 00 Loretta Yo 1.30 Theater 10.00 Justice 2.00 Cinema 11.00 Meet Press 3.00 Liberace 11.30 3.30 TRA 12.00 Owl Theatir 4.00 Playhouse 1 CHANNEL 10 JAR, P'rovidence. R. I. SATURDAY 8.30 Sat.

Cowboy 5.00 The Goldbergs 9.30 Carnival 5.30 Badge 714 10.00 Rama 6.00 Jamboree 10.30 Mr. Wizard 6.43 News l1.00 Space Patrol 7.00 Kent Theater 11.30 Film 7.30 Cavalcade 12.00 Big Top 8.00 Family Pride 1.00 Lone Ranger 8.00 Amateur 1.30 Blinky 9.00 Show of Shows 1.15 Cartoons 10.00 Playhouse. 2.00 Film 10.30 Hit Parade 3.00 R. I. Portrait 11.00 Late News 3.15 Industry 11.10 Vacation 3.30 Film 11.13 Life At 80 4.00 200 Parade 11.43 Wrestling 4.30 Col.

Flack 12.45, Daily Prayer CHANNEL 10. WJAR. Providence, R. 1. SUNDAY 10.00 Faith Life 6.30 5.00 You Liberace Asked It This 1s 11.00 Catholic Hr.

6.1:0 Meet Press 11.30 Religion 6.30 Range Rider 12.00 TBA 7.00 D. Fairbanks 12.30 Super Circus 7.30 Mr. Peepers 1.00 Johnny Jut 8.00 Comedy Hour 1.30 You Are There 9.00 TV Playhouse 2.00 Playhouse 10.00 The Norths 1.30 Newsmakers 10.30 Vanity Fair 3.00 High School 10.43 Hum-Strum 3.15 TB.A 11.00 Late News 3.30 Kukla 11.10 Feature Thea. 4.00 Loretta Young 12.10 Daily Prayer 4.30 Roy Rogers WRGB, Schenectady Channel Six SATURDAY 9.00 Test Pattern. 4.13 Vacationland 9.13 Jir.

Wizard 9.13 Cartoons 10.00 Super Circus 10,30 Cartoons 11.00 Space Patrol 11.30 Big. Picture 12.00 Big Top 1.00 Roy Rogers. :1.30 Museum 2.00. Bill Hickock 2.30 Red Skelton 3.00 Sternfeld 3.30. Kukla-Fran 4.00 News and SUNDAY 8:30 Sign On 8.40 Faith 9.13 Decision 9.30 Your Trouble 9: 45 One Person 10,00 Unto My Feet 10.30 Frontiers 11.00 The Life 11.30 Jane Froman 11.47 Cartoons 12.00 Little Margie 12.30 Inne Ranger 1.00 Intrigue 1.30 Burns-Allen 3, .00 The Goldbergs 2.30 With Father 3.00 Cerebral Falsy 4.30 Theater Sound Stage 5.30 Preakness 8.00 Godfrey 6.30 You Are There 1.00 1.

01 1.00 1.00 7.00 Sportscope 7.30 You Asked 8.00 Playhouse 8.00 Amateur Hour 9.00 Show of Shows 10.30 Hit Parade 11.00 Wrestling. 12.13 A Second Tou 0.30 Secretary 4.00 200 Strike It Rich 4,30 Parade 3.00 Western 6.00 The Prees 8.30 News: Review 6.45 Goin' Places 7.00 Fashions 7.15 Kieran 7.30 Mr. Peepers 8.00 Comedy Hour 9.00 G. E. Theater 9.30 I Love 10.00 TV Playhouse 11.00 Loretta Young 11.30 The Television- -UHF 4.

CHANNEL 30 WKNB, New Britain, Conn. SATURDAY 11.00 Winky 6.45 Killiam 11.30 Rod Brown 7.00 Range Rider 12.00 Western 7.30 Beat Clock 1.00 Safari 8.00 Jackie Gleason 1.30 What World 9.00 2. For Money 2.00 Matinee 9.30 Favor. Hushand 4.30 Fun Show 10.00 Ed Mayehoff 5.30 TBA 10.30 China Smith 6.00 Capt. Midnite 11.00 Late Show 6.30 Big Playback CHANNEL, 30 WKND.

New Britain, Conn. SUNDAY 12.00 Big Picture 6.00 Amer. Week 12.30 Carnival 6.30 Kit Carson 1.00 Family Thea. 7.00 Life With 1.30 Oral Roberts 1.30 Jack Benny 2.00 Matinee 8.00 Playhouse 3.00 Beauty Secrets 9.00 Theater 3.10 Film 9.30 Into Night 3.30 Forests 10.00 The Web 4.00 Current Scene 10.30 This Is Life 4.30 Youth's Stand 4: 11.00 Drew Pearson 3.00 Adventure 11.15 Movie CHANNEL 74 WMGT. Pittafield SATURDAY 2.00 Music Festival 7 000 Hopalone 6.00 Adventure.

8.00 Doug Fairbanks 6.13 Picture Party 8.30 Captured 6.30 Film 9.00 Theater CHANNEL 34. WMGT, Pittsfield SUNDAY 6.00 Christophers 7.30 Into Night 6.30 Your Congress 8.00 Theater 6.13 Night Editor 10.00 Break Bank 7,00 Sea Power 10.30 News 1: 1 3 7.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.